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The count down has begun...time for some excellent advice


New member
In one week I get the keys to my new place. The landlord is just finishing his leasehold imporvements, then my crew goes in to start theirs. We are forcasting opening the first week of May. What I want to know is…what do u wish you knew before you started your business. What were the mistakes you made, what did you wish you had done, and what is the best thing you did? Im looking for any and all your EXCELLENT advice! Time to share all you have, think of my as your daughter if you would and give me all that fatherly (and motherly) advise you have.
Thanx all!! Your the BEST!!
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Re: The count down has begun…time for some excellent advic

I wish I had finished college and gotten an office job!! Just kidding(sort of). Check out the “new member, first post” thread for some good buildout advice.
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Re: The count down has begun…time for some excellent advic

Oh believe me, I read every post and make notes. But really what I need advice on the business. Build out, is already, planned and ready to launch. That part has been in the planning process for alongggggg time, you know how it is, when your moving on a process your thinking about the next, lol
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Re: The count down has begun…time for some excellent advic

Put a map on you door hangers, flyers, Etc. so the customers know where to find you. They need to know where you are and that you are convieniently located in their neighborhood.
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Re: The count down has begun…time for some excellent advic

make sure you have plenty of pizza boxes
plenty of change in your petty cash
your first 2 weeks are going to be hell on wheels,you wont have time to think.
print up some kind of goof coupons to give out,you will have many mistakes on deliveries
take deep breaths…
b. romano
Re: The count down has begun…time for some excellent advic

Have your marketing plan and materials in place and ready to go. Its pretty difficult to work on it when opening.
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Re: The count down has begun…time for some excellent advic

Biggest thing I wish I had known: That the honeymoon period will end.

I thought I was going to need a wheelbarrow to take the cash to the bank during those first four weeks. I subsequently did NO advertising and NO database mailings. Why should I spend money on that when business was this good?

Then I watched sales slide, and did nothing. I figured it was seasonal. It took me a while to figure out that you really do have to continually work on the marketing, no matter how good your product is.

Get a marketing plan in place and FOLLOW IT, every day, week, month and year. It took me two years to really market on a continual basis. And that’s when I finally started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

I’m 2 1/2 years in now and finally taking a full paycheck AND turning a profit after that. I wish I wouldn’t have put myself through 2 years of hell.
Re: The count down has begun…time for some excellent advic

I made the same mistake and it was the biggest mistake in my career trying tostay afloat now 8 months later . Dont forget to promote yourself doorhang let them know ur here.
Re: The count down has begun…time for some excellent advic

Make sure you have a pizza cutter. No Joke. I’ve seen so many pizza places open up for business the first day only to realize on their first order they don’t have a wheel to cut the pizzas!
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Re: The count down has begun…time for some excellent advic

TRAINING, TRAINING, TRAINING. Make sure you set aside a couple days before opening to have a “training day”. You might as well spend a little extra cash on labor to get rid of the monumental headaches before they start.

Also, you’ll want to have operating capital stashed in the bank. I’d say at least $10k to be on the safe side. You’ll find there are so many of the “little” things you need to take care of and you will really need this extra cash to help you through.

Figure out which type of opening you’re going to have (soft opening or aggressive opening). Prepare for either one. As one poster mentioned earlier, have your marketing plan in place. You’ll want to start hitting everyone at around your 3rd week to sustain opening sales.

Buy an oven, hood system, and some car top signs.

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Re: The count down has begun…time for some excellent advic

For those of you who don’t know.
canukfanlady is opening a take and bake not a regular del/co. All of the advice is good even for those of us who have been open for a while. Is there any advice specific to a take and bake that you can give her.

I would have business card sized coupons for passing out to every one you meet outside of your store. Have a map on one side and maybe a 2 for 1 coupun on the other as well as a place to fill in their name and other information for a draw. Give them to people in the line at the bank, grocery store, gas station, etc. Tell them you are opening and would like them to give you a try.

As far as prizes for a draw ask your suppliers Pepsi, Coke, whoever for some complimentry stuff for your opening.
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Re: The count down has begun…time for some excellent advic

Thanx Daddio for letting everyone know my type of business, so many details flowing through the noggen I forget some of them, lol!!
Excellent advice on the business cards!! That is a great idea!! Im telling EVERYONE about my business, giving them something to remember is a perfect fit!
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Re: The count down has begun…time for some excellent advic

I knew you know, lol!! I was going to pm you that you are a nasty man, lol!! But it was good info for others who didnt know. But now they also know why you would give such silly advice to someone who is opening a pizza place, lol!! YOU ARE A FUNNY GUY!!
Cheers all, and thanx for your advice, please keep it coming, im writing notes as we speak!!
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Re: The count down has begun…time for some excellent advic

Hire an accountant or a payroll service to do your payroll. The service fee they will charge you will seem like pennies when you “forget” to submit your tax returns, or make your federal deposits. Well your in Canada… Not sure how it works there but our government will tax the hell out of you for paying late.

You’d think that they would want businesses to succeed and give you some warnings or financial assistance but no, when your broke and late paying your taxes they just sweeten the deal and make it even worse.

So my #1 word of advise is to pay all your taxes on time and let a professional do it and don’t try to do it yourself. You’ll save alot of time and money.
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Re: The count down has begun…time for some excellent advic

anything else?? you guys are so great! seriously, I need more! I have been working so hard on details details its starting to hit me what im in for, lol, a little late yes, but im a basket case, not sleeping not eating, and yes Daddio, im down 10 pounds already, ugh…

Anyway, thanx all
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Re: The count down has begun…time for some excellent advic
anything else?? you guys are so great! seriously, I need more! I have been working so hard on details details its starting to hit me what im in for, lol, a little late yes, but im a basket case, not sleeping not eating, and yes Daddio, im down 10 pounds already, ugh…

Anyway, thanx all
Take your time and hire good quality employees. There are some articles about hiring, I’d read all of them.

We tend to hire what we get and don’t actually sit down and do thorough interviews and the such. I wish I did!
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