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the heat is killing me

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we recently got a blodgett 3270 32" conveyor, switched from a deck, but it is creating so much more heat. its 95+ outside and a/c is not keeping up, vent hood can not cover all hood and is not needed to in are area, but is used for exhaust only but not keeping up, any suggestions? some have said put a window unit in kitchen and some have said it wont help, but it is really heating up the dining room, we only have 1500 sf and a 5 ton unit that is in good working order.
Actually, you don’t need another 5 tons. You need to find a way to properly ventilate your ovens and the recommended tonnage for commercial A/C is 1 ton per 200 square feet. Sorry to step on your toes Guest.

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what step would be to ventilate more… larger motor on vent hood? there is a window in kitchen, prob used to have some sort of a/c there?
I recently had my A/C fail all together. The motor on the compressor cooling fan quit. I had been having trouble with the A/C keeping up with the heat since I opened but now it is very comfortable. My conclusion is the cooling fan never was working quite right. Have a look at this for a fix before you sink much into a new unit.
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had unit tuned up and is working well, but like jrokk said need to ventilate more. umm
primo, I wish I could help you. I’m just not a mechanical engineer and don’t even know what CFM stands for. We had a poster in here a few months back who sold used pizza equipment. His name is George Mills. He’d be one to give you sound advice on this subject. Has anyone heard from George Mills lately or can anyone call him and tell him to look up this post?

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Maybe I misunderstood your post, but it seems that you are indicating that your new oven doesn’t fit completely under your existing hood. If that’s the case, it might explain why you are getting so much heat into the room. Here by us, the code states that the oven must fit completely under the hood. Also, check to see if your vent hood has a filter, if it does, check to make sure its clean and allowing for full airflow.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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here we dont have to have ovens under hoods, just used for exhaust. i took the filters completely out too see if that helped, but to no avail, its still hot
i forgot to say this, the oven is 5’ by 9’ i dont really have a problem with the lengh but my hood is only 3’ wide, and the belts are on the outside, kitchen is really tight and it can get around 110 in there since
You might try extending your hood (exhaust) with a few large pieces of cardboard and the handyman’s best friend, duct tape. This might help be capturing the hot air that is escaping into the room and directing it out through the exhaust. If it works, a sheet metal man can make it permanent.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom that is what I was going to suggest.

We had a local welder come and build us an attatchement to the existing. It’s been a good 12 years ago so don’t remember the cost. If you have an old stainless steel table they can probably be creative and use that to make you something.

It helps, our kitchen too gets very very hot, we added a second unit a couple of years ago just for the kitchen and still doesn’t help much.

We allow all employees to wear shorts. We also have a really small fan right by the oven tender, they wear a hat and hair net but at 90+ degrees they don’t care. (One guy even shaved his head)

I would get a window unit, sure isn’t going to hurt any. Maybe the electric bill but it will help the kitchen. Not a cure but will help. I have often thought of cutting a hole in the walll and putting one or two in…so if you do it let me know how it works.

Also, if you notice your maketable “leaking” water, it’s from the heat in the kitchen.
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Two things to consider that may help. Consider installing an eyebrow hood in place of your regular hood. This is a cheap fix and if you don’t mind doing work yourself without permits can be done quickly. It will fit right over the ends of the oven, where 90+% of the heat is lost. The other suggestion would be to change the pully sizes on your motor and on the baffle fan, as this will allow for more air to be pulled out. I believe a smaller pully on the motor and a larger one on the fan will move more air out, but keep in mind this will also suck out more of your A/C. Try getting in touch with george Mills at Oleander Equipment. His website is I think.
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You will need to go just the opposite direction with the pulleys. The larger one should go on the motor and the smaller one on the fan shaft. vThis will increase the speed of the fan, thus drawing more air through the vent. Just be careful that you don’t upset the burners or heat flow in the oven with too much draw. This has been a problem in some stores already. You will know it this happens as you will get a poor or inconsistent bake.
Tom Lehmann/the Dough Doctor
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a little heat is good for you, except your mama cant take it go put up the cardboard trial and see if it helps
i guess you got some heat also, pops, stay out of the game rooms, ehhh
5 tons with 1500 square feet in a pizza store will not do anything with 95 degree heat outside. I don’t care what anyone says about ventilation. When you draw the heat out, you draw the cooled air with the oven heat and it has to be replaced so it comes in the doors. Also the the hotter it is outside the less efficient your A/C unit becomes.

You need 10 tons minimum, if you have sit down your guests will not tolerate the heat period.

If I show up as a guest it is because I can’t figure out how to get a password…
you need about 12 tons of ac.
forget what jrok said about 1 ton per 200 sq ft. that might be true if you are in an office, you have a lot of cooking equipment. you are wasting your money trying to cool it with 5 tons.
Agree, without a ten-ton unit, you will never be able to cool off the inside when it is 90 plus outside. I have tried fans, venting, hood reconfiguration to no avail. My AC guy says I need a ten ton unit, but the landlord says tough luck. Lol, oh wll. Best of luck.

Primo,your hood should be at least 8’ x 6’ in order to capture all the heat that rises from end to end.This will definitelly get rid of most of the heat.Call company you bought oven from and they will give you exact specs on what hood should technically be as far as getting rid of its own heat.
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