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the nerve of some people.


New member
working with the public we see all kinds and i have some of the best stories of people being well…people. For the past 15 years i have really learned that just when i think ive seen the worst in people some one walks in and blows my last story out of the water.

This may not be the the worst that i have seen but it just happens and makes me shake my head.

i have a small place 8 tables holds about 40 people. most of our business is pickup and delivery. tonight 3 guys walk in and eye the slices. one guy walks out and another orders 2 slices the third sits at a table. as my counter girl serves the one guy his slices the second pulls out a dang Lunchable lunch. WTF!?!? he sits with his buddy and eats his lunchable in my dinning room. mean time the third guy that walked out walks back in with a drink from Dunkin Doughnuts across the street. i just shook my head.

where do people get the nerve to walk into an establishment and bring in their own food? this was 3 grown men.

what are some of your stories? i always get a kick out of peoples ignorance and entitlement.
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I wouldn’t let that bother me unless you were slammed and seats were at a premium

we have construction guys all the time that come in groups and 1 of them brings his own Lunch cause hes broke
Dont stress the small stuff

however, the other day I had a bum off the street come in my store and start asking customers for slices of there pizza

I flipped out and physically removed him from my store
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