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The Power of Facebook...


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Point of Success, Big Holler & on-line ordering…

If I may recap my situation…we took over a once popular college pizza joynt that had fallen on hard times…

due in part to landlord issues, we moved operations to a popular college nite club, that once housed a Don Pablos restaurant…

We’ve struggled a bit in capturing the college crowd, but…

About 2 weeks ago, we began an agressive Facebook marketing effort…we now have over 1700 fans & over 600 friends…

We’re also one of the last beta testers for the online P.O.S module, in part, because of internet provider issues and our move…

So, inspiration hit the other day - an opportunity for an independent to have equal footing with the majors…as we know its extremely tough to match their advertising dollars…

I was able to learn enough FBML (Facebook Mark Up Language) to create a special “landing page/tab” on our fan page & insert a link to our on-line partner, Big Holler… you can check it out

clicking on the logo takes you to our order system, similar to Pizza Huts Facebook app - we are able to promote “Order on-line from Facebook”

Now, we create a special event & publish it to our friends/fans…a system in/of itself…

We then rebroadcast that event amongst our other friends, making it somewhat viral - as friends can invite their friends…

To make a long story short - we set up a new server late last night, had some issues that were quickly resolved by Jeff from P.O.S & Stacey of Big Holler…

Bottom line, we had 75 new customers in 4 hours that took advantage of an extremely low-priced product ($2-12" pizza) but with add-ons, made a decent ticket…

Now I have 75 new email address’ & cell phone # and satisfied customers, that I can now re-market to…

Cost - nada, zip, zereo, nothing…

A few calls came in, but we just explained the special was on-line only & redirected them to the site…

Now, we’re going to still increase our fan/friend base, do some low-cost specials every day, all with zero costs ('cept time)

Much thanks to Jeff & Stacey! Wish us continued luck!
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That is so cool! I just started a facebook page about 2 weeks ago also and in that time our online sales which were dismal have gone up about 40%. I am now going to google “facebook mark up language”! I like how you did that. Good Work!
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I’m in the process of moving my facebook group to a facebook page.

Can’t figure out how to create a new tab though. Would you care to share any links or help which you used?
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You need to install the app “Static FBML” - then do a google search - a bit tricky for the non-techy - but quite similar to regular web page design…
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Very Cool! Looking at your menu made me hungry! I like the themed names you have for all the menu items.

The only thing, and its very minor, is that Golden Nights Pizza logo.

Too pixilated. It made me wince when I saw it. College kids are very computer savvy, and will notice the issue right away. It takes away from what is otherwise a professional appearance. Get a better pic with smoother contours. The rest of the site(s) looks fantastic!
Interesting POV…I see that now (I do the graphics) Not quite sure what to do, as this is the same file I use for our 4C printing, and it comes out perfect…might be a GoDaddy hosting problem (and the mish-mash way my site(s) are cobbled together w/dated technology…) something to look into tho (in my spare time…)
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The problem appears to be that the “Golden Knights Pizza” text with helmet image was too small, and when you enlarged it, the pixilation effect became apparent. (When you enlarge small pictures, the pixels get large enough to be seen individually.)

Find a higher resolution (bigger) text and helmet image and use that to superimpose on the ‘sunburst’ background.

I hope that helps. 😃
Actually the text was reduced/shrunk - the whole thing was a pdf file converted into a jpeg via PS for site hosting - it prints fine…I’ll work on it over Christmas break…but thanks tho!
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As we veer off topic…

The Details…

Text created on a real old mac with a program call TypeStyler…saved as a eps…opened in PS4 (on a PC) & color adjusted & resaved as an eps…

The the starburst was placed in a PageMaker 7.0 doc, along with the helmet (an eps file) and the new text eps…and all was sized/proportioned

Additional text was added, as this is/was the basis for our magnet and saved as a PDF file for the printer…all settings are for hi-rez output & it prints out fine for all our menus & marketing, w/o pixelating…

Then, the file was resaved w/o the added info & opened in PS and saved as a jpeg…may have to look at those setting…

No that we’ve bored everyone else…a mish-mash of computer platforms & programs
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do you have payment online as well?

do you call to confirm order?
Problem with any fake orders?

Cool order system…I can make a pretty mean online pizza now!!! lol!!!
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I will set-up on-line payment next week or so…hasn’t been a real issue yet…

Not so much fake orders - think I’ve had a couple no-shows vrs a few hundred orders…one 2nite as a matter of fact…

One issue we faced, is out of range orders…we have some/many streets mapped, but we missed a 8-mile delivery - wouldn’t normally go that far…

I can only say, I wish I had started this when POS 1st came out w/the beta…I was prob the last one to jump on, but man, what a ride!!!

I’m learning more to tweak the online presentation & will add some photos soon…book events/messages…threw up a rainy-day special & have done 15 so far…

Getting an excellent response from the Face

Sorry Chris/Tardel, I may never need printed menus again!
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The art has to be vector art work!

Vector means that no matter how big or how small the art work is, that it streches! its lines not pixels. try it in illustrator
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To the best of my knowledge, you can’t display vector art (an eps file) in html - so it is converted to a jpg thru PhotoShop…

As I said before, it is a Hi-Rez doc but translated thru a Mac-PC-PDF-jpg low rez…

I even reduced the original file from the web site & I still get pixelization, even @ a smaller-than-life size…

Someday I’ll buy a new Mac & it will all be good!
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Someday I’ll buy a new Mac & it will all be good!
OR use the power of Facebook to network to your customer base to get the tech help. I’ll bet you a 16" Trainwreck that you can find a college student or other customer who has the technology to do exactly what you need for the price (food cost) of a large pizza. Send out the message and see what gives. nothing relly to lose? And you get a buy-in from a customer who can brag about helping.
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