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Thin crust issues


New member
We sell the Bonici thin crust, cook it on a screen and top it to the edge. the conveyor oven gets full of debris from toppings. Any recommendations for a pan to cook it in that will alleviate this?

Also another issue is toppings shifting when delivering, especially with extra cheese and sauce. We use a litttle Panko on them. Does anyone let their pizzas cool a little before sending them out? Any other ideas?

Thanks, Paul
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I would suggest using a little less sauce on a thin than your regular pan crust pizza. This will give you a better dough/sauce balance. Also help out with it sliding around so much. We always have thin crusts lost cheese/toppings to the oven. It is a small portion of our business so we aren’t too concerned about it. It is a great idea to let a pizza w/ extra cheese/sauce “cool” a little to let the cheese set up so it doesn’t slide around too much on delivery.
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