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Think Tank Chat Topics...


PMQ Editor at Large
Hi Everyone!

I’m seeking your feedback on which topics you’d like to see covered in future Think Tank chat sessions. Our first one covered menu design. What else would you like to chat about with our experts?

Your answers will help us to choose topics/experts, so consider what would help you and your pizzeria the most.

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I would be interested in getting a chat together to discuss the different types of marketing people do (direct mail, banner shaking, door hanging, customer call backs, etc) and how they implement them and how effective each one has been for them. Perhaps some of us can learn new efficient ways to utilize our staff during downtime (with a small budget I have had to formulate a lot of my marketing around the time my drivers do not have deliveries).
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I would be interested in getting a chat together to discuss the different types of marketing people do (direct mail, banner shaking, door hanging, customer call backs, etc) and how they implement them and how effective each one has been for them. Perhaps some of us can learn new efficient ways to utilize our staff during downtime (with a small budget I have had to formulate a lot of my marketing around the time my drivers do not have deliveries).
The idea above sounds like something that can be scheduled among several Think Tankers without the need for an outside expert. You can decide on a time that you’d like to get together and use the chat window on the home page of the Think Tank to discuss ideas.

After that, if you’d like me to facilitate bringing in someone who has had a lot of success with marketing to share their ideas (i.e., someone who has been profiled in PMQ’s Marketing Marvels column perhaps), we can visit that option as well.

I’m open to any and all ideas that you have for bringing more interaction into the Think Tank.

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