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Tiered perks for great customers


New member
We’re getting ready to launch a loyalty program and along with that I’m going to be adding tiered levels for our best customers - Gold, Silver, Bronze or something like that - that they can move into with purchasing behavior.

I need some ideas of what kinds of perks to give to these different levels. What would you do if it were you? I have a few ideas, but very few to be honest… need some help.
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Keep it simple… One point per dollar spent… Put the reward threshold at or around your average ticket times five…

If average ticket it $20…then make the reward level $100.

A loyalty program is more of a discount program unless you have a way to tie spending to communication…

So, be sure and capture at least an email address and send out reminders to keep your shop top of mind…

Reward can be $5 (it will only cost you about $1.50 in food cost)…
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I am not a big fan of giving your food away…Folks will pay for it any way…So find some good promotional products (sorry a little biased here) to reward them with…Food gets eaten and forgot…A promotional product gets used over and over to promote your brand and remind your clients you rewarded them…This is something they appreciate…
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I have a loyalty program. It is amazing. All you need to do is keep in mind that it should be used as a business builder too not just a reward for current customers.

We use Sundrop Mobile. We give a reward to customers once their purchases add up to $40. The reward expires in two weeks so in gets customers back in the door quickly. So far we have 3,000 customers signed up since Feburary. In a town of 2,500 people that’s pretty good.

Business has increased since we started.

You can set up teir based rewards by grouping loyalty customers into 4 categories and then sending rewards to them via cell phone for special discounts or free items.
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