

We have some really nice insulated bags that we use for transporting ice cream. They are logo’d, etc. They are pricey though, about $85 each. Sometimes the drivers leave them at houses. Even though we put a message to call or return the bags to us, we don’t always get them back. Was thinking that Tile might be a good option to find them if they get left at someone’s house. Does anyone have experience with these? The tile would not be linked to a driver’s phone, so would we be able to pinpoint where it is? I was reading and it sounds like it updates by bluetooth when someone with a tile account come in range of the tracker. Then we could pull it up on a map and hopefully find it.
Anyone have any suggestions?
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M driver once left a bag at a customers house and when he went back to get it the customer denied having it. The run was a single so there was no other place for it to be. I have my doubts as to how effective Tile would be for you.
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