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Time for a Think Tank marketing brainstorming session


New member
This week Money Magazine listed its 100 Best Cities. My town, St Peters, Missouri, was listed #60…the highest rank of any Missouri town. Even luckier for me, here is the article…make sure you read the last sentence

  1. St. Peters, MO
    Top 100 rank: 60
    Population: 54,800
Positioned 30 miles northwest of big-city St. Louis with only 55,000 residents, St. Peters evokes quintessential small-town America. It’s the kind of place where neighbors come together by the hundreds in a volunteer effort to help put on the big state swimming and diving meets every year.
And when they’re hosted at the award-winning 236,000-square-foot Rec-Plex, who wouldn’t want to pitch in? The facility, dramatically expanded in 2007 with Olympic-sized swimming pools and NHL-sized ice rinks, has become the epicenter of St. Peters’ active community.

Not feeling fitness-minded? The town’s low cost of living means you’ll have no problem indulging in one (or all) of its scores of tasty mom and pop restaurants.

Now, any ideas on maximizing this opportunity?

FYI, I have 600 on my email list, and can make any banner, flyer or other printing in trade for food.

Come on Think Tankers, bring it on!!!
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Honestly, the only marketing I would do with this would be about community pride. My boxtoppers, doorhangers and every print ad would stress St Peters, best city in Missouri, or one of the best cities in the USA. My town was the #1 city in one of the magazines back in the 90’s and that type of advertising was common. Just be the first one to show your pride as opposed to being one that jumps on the bandwagon after eveyone else is marketing it.
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Press releases. Start making them and using that tag line. You can get on the map. Just make up a tag line of the best pizza shop in the best city, and play it up. Send it off to Money Magazine.

What have you got to lose? By doing nothing, you get nothing. If you start to send off press releases to the local media, your chances of getting a write up are huge. If you can get a letter to Money Magazine (they do publish letters don’t they?), then you might be even better off. Send them a cool complementary letter offering free food the next time any of the Magazine staff are in town. They probably won’t take you up on it, but a gimmick like that might just be enough to get your letter published.
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