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time off requests


New member
I am having issues with people claiming they asked off after the schedule is done. For the last nine years our system has been to fill out a little form and put it in an envelope that’s next to the schedule. Apparently I need to do something that has a copy for them or something. Does anyone have one I can use as a template?
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We use a Action day planner that has every day of the year in it. (It’s more like a GTD book, really). The manager(s) is the only one that is allowed to put a request off in the book. If there are too many for a day they will have to refuse them. We can also keep track of future events that we have in this book.
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We have a calendar on the wall in the office where the manager can write in “off” requests as well as vacations and other events. It has not been an issue.
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I have a message delay app on my phone that sends out a text every Monday @ 1:00 p.m… They need to reply back with any request by Wednesday @ 5:00 p.m. This way I have a history of all days that were called off. Also they can’t say they called off. If they do I show them my phone and they show me theirs. Simple. Also the text history can show me how many weekends were requested off.
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Another factor for us is that we tend to write pretty much the same schedule every week and we post schedules for three weeks. In other words if you look at our board today the schedule is up through July 19th and the one for the week ending the 26th will be up in the next day or two. If an employee wants a day off on a schedule that is already posted it is up to them to cover the shift by trading. We generally have notes on the board from employees that want more shifts so that is not too hard to do most of the time.
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Our staff can take off shifts only if they get cover.
In the rare circumstances where they have family holidays etc they still need to find cover for themselves but also have to give at least 2 weeks notice.
Not usually a problem except if someone comes down ill at the last minute
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