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Time off requests


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How do you guys handle time off requests. I’ve been getting bombarded with so many requests for time off that it’s really starting to anger me. I feel like firing the ones with the constant requests and just getting new people. I get handed dates with the expectation of giving them their time off. Now with summer upon us I need to put a hold on time off as its our busy time we are a beach town and I need all hands on board. In the past their time off requests have put me in a bind and I’m really getting sick of it. What are your guidelines for time off and do you give every request off. Need advice.

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In my neck of the woods , it’s always the part time younger crowd.

I got so fed up that I tell them to find someone to cover for them. The person covering must be able to perform their job for the evening. Whether it’s driver , oven guy , counter person.

At the last resort , they can ask me and I will try to accommodate them.

If they are chronic about it , I hire a new person or give their shift away to someone who wants it.

100% attendance is required for employment. Not 75% .

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Yes this is my problem the younger crowd they would rather have fun even if that means quiting and finding another job later. The problem is that is all I get for applicants is young crowd privileged and entitled they work hard while they are present but want the job on their terms. I have been extremely accommodating to the point where I have had to cancel my own plans and I don’t want to do that anymore. My new requirements for applicants are seriously going to be for butt ass poor that really needs a job!

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My policy is at least one week ahead, and only one insider or driver can request the same day off. If it is the current schedule they have to get someone to cover who can do the job same as RobT.

Any one who repeatedly changes shifts gets the shift taken away
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My problem isn’t 1 day it’s constant vacations or events that are from 2 days to a week I require 2 weeks advanced notice which i get if they want just 1 day i have the same policy find cover and I seriously think they would be happy to work less days.

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My problem isn’t 1 day it’s constant vacations or events that are from 2 days to a week I require 2 weeks advanced notice which i get if they want just 1 day i have the same policy find cover and I seriously think they would be happy to work less days.

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Here is where your policy should be in force.
They see everyone do it , so they will.
I’ve found that giving them 2 days a week and no more works. If they take off, it’s half their pay. Hit them where it hits their pocket.

And I feel for you, I’ve had many days off ruined because your the only one who can go in.

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Here is where your policy should be in force.
They see everyone do it , so they will.
I’ve found that giving them 2 days a week and no more works. If they take off, it’s half their pay. Hit them where it hits their pocket.

And I feel for you, I’ve had many days off ruined because your the only one who can go in.

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2 days a week is my next move and not only that but those 2 days will be morning shifts where it’s all about prep and cleaning and not too many deliveries.

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Definitely have to have any policy you do have on paper somewhere all employees can see. Also need to have a cutoff day when request sheets can be turned in for following week. Must hammer cutoff date into their brains. Make sure in writing request sheets state that day isn’t guaranteed off. If you really need it off must talk to management. Any vacation more than a day or two needs atleast 2 weeks notice. Any vacation longer than 2-3 days must be approved by management/ownership before vacation is booked. Might be extreme but works for me when everyone wants vacation time during the summer at the same time. Easier to manage this way for me.
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Just went through this last Friday
Young girl on Make Bench text me at 2 pm asking if she can get cover to go to late arranged party that night but siad she understood if not and would work. She wanted one staff to cover but I told her he was unavailable (he had already covered 2 days and was working Sat & Sun) She then text to say a Team Leader was ok to cover which I rejected due to $6 per hour wage difference. I told her she had to work as it was too short notice and could go at 8pm after the rush.
She then text to say she got the original guy who I said wasn’t available to work. Some of her comments were dis-respectful to the point of saying “I could have told you I was sick and took the time off”. She wanted her way no matter what and went against what I had said.
I immediately told her she could have all the Fridays off for parties as her employment was terminated effective immediately.
Had enough of the tail trying to wag the dog. The thing is every one of my staff have come to me looking for work, not me asking them to work for me.
Put all staff on notice that they can expect the same if they want to try it on.
The young ones today are totally self absorbed with themselves. They want to get a job and then start wanting time of every few weeks on the days they say they are available.
Yes Richard it was a classic case of the Fat Bald Grumpy Old Guy

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The government has made things easy for me. The requirement is laid out in black and white. 2 weeks vacation after working for a year. My staff are on a fixed schedule so if they want time off they are required to find a replacement for any additional time off.
Dave, I had a pair tell me if they both couldn’t have New Years Eve off they would quit. I told them to pick up their final pay on Thursday and not to be in the shop until then. OFB&G struck hard.
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I googled it and got nothing but some computer science lingo.

All the time off stuff is a big mystery to me also. I have people who can’t get thru 1 week without missing a day of work for whatever reason. I don’t get it. I’ll be 50 years old here in a couple of months and I have yet to miss a scheduled day of work. That’s 1800 straight weeks for me. 0 straight weeks for them. When I tell them this little factoid they have no response. Just a puzzled look.
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I have been racking my brain for several minutes trying to figure that one out…
Old, Fat, Bald, and Grumpy
At one point in time my signature line read, “I’m old, fat, bald and grumpy, you would think I live with Snow White.”
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They don’t understand that they are putting you in a bind and I don’t think they care. Time for a new strict time off policy I’m also thinking of having them all sign it and if they want to quit good bye!

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I deal with the same thing here in the east coast of the US, maybe not as bad as some of the stories posted here, but my god is this industry only bad news day after day?
I love it when they get a replacement who gets paid alot more an hour then they do, or they ask the new guy who doesnt know jack yet to cover them thinking they followed the rules on getting their shift covered.
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At this point i would almost settle with getting them in the first place. Around here, kids do not have to work anymore. Parents pay for everything all the way into college.

Then when they finally need to get a job (in their 20’s now), they have no skills and they think they can make $15 an hour, use their phones at every moment.
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At this point i would almost settle with getting them in the first place. Around here, kids do not have to work anymore. Parents pay for everything all the way into college.

Then when they finally need to get a job (in their 20’s now), they have no skills and they think they can make $15 an hour, use their phones at every moment.
This is the exact problem we have in our town. One of the guys who works for me gets 100 bucks a week from his parents just bought a brand new Toyota tundra and wants time off every other week. My thoughts are and who’s going to pay your car payment if I fire you probably his parents!!! Most of the kids who work for me and apply are the same.

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Our paid vacation is only available from 4/15 to 6/15 and from 9/15 to 11/15 which are our slow times.

If someone wants time off during high season and they let us know a month in advance we try to do it for them. If we can’t we let them know that we need help covering the shifts and if we have to hire to cover them the new person will have “dibbs” going forward.

It has not really been a problem for 17 years.
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A few things that we try to do:
  • hire and keep more people on staff than needed. This will always keep people wanting more hours
  • request offs must be put in the calendar by only 2 managers. Limit the number that can request off on certain days
  • always be looking for more good people
  • cross train so multiple job duties can cover a shift (i.e. drivers can work inside)
  • we don’t worry too much about different wage rates switching shifts. But we do not allow newbies to cover if they can’t hang
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