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Today (9/5) is Cheese Pizza Day


New member
In case anyone needed some Facebook material. Don’t forget today is Cheese Pizza Day. 😃
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Not that I mind days being declared as specific What Ever It Isbut can anyone shed light on the who, when, where and why?

If you are able to give some detail when you post thing like this on Facebook the fans tend to be a bit more engaged.
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Here is my post for today,

“Did you know that in the time it took you to read this short sentence approximately 1,000 slices of pizza were eaten? Of course, that’s not all here locally (or else I wouldn’t have time to post this) but it’s still an impressive figure! Now we’re not sure who decided that September 5th was “National Cheese Pizza Day” but hey, if it gives us an excuse to chow down on the basis for all pizzas, we’re okay with it! So celebrate with us and order a Large (14”) Cheese Pizza for $9.99 and receive a FREE 2 Coca-Cola Product! Call us at ###-###-####. Of course we won’t tell anyone if you choose to add a few toppings. It’ll be our secret!"
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Here is my post for today,

“Did you know that in the time it took you to read this short sentence approximately 1,000 slices of pizza were eaten? Of course, that’s not all here locally (or else I wouldn’t have time to post this) but it’s still an impressive figure! Now we’re not sure who decided that September 5th was “National Cheese Pizza Day” but hey, if it gives us an excuse to chow down on the basis for all pizzas, we’re okay with it! So celebrate with us and order a Large (14”) Cheese Pizza for $9.99 and receive a FREE 2 Coca-Cola Product! Call us at ###-###-####. Of course we won’t tell anyone if you choose to add a few toppings. It’ll be our secret!"
UNP, that’s some pretty darn good copy writing.

ETA: I just checked out your FB page… all of your copy writing is really good!
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If that is to me, by all means feel free to use it. All about working together to build our businesses!
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