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Tolerance level of managers significant others


New member
Dealing with an untenable situation with one manager who has severe issues with the father of her child. We are presently at the point of his driving by the store, parking out front for hours at a time, repeated phone calls & so on & so forth. Based on our conversations this young lady is in a real jackpot with him (children involved). We had a meeting about this last week. Today, no show at store to open (with orders pending) & no communication. Thoughts? Anyone?
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My first reaction to this post is if you pull a NO SHOW you have resigned. My second thought was DOES SHE NEED HELP. From the sound of what you described there could be some domestic violence involved. I have had the same type of thing happen and was glad I didn’t jump the gun and let the girl go. The hard thing to know is where to draw the line.
Good luck on making the decission.
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Well, the golden rule for business seems to be “personal problems are to be left at home” and clearly that is not the case here.

If she is a good manager that you would like to keep if she didn’t have the personal baggage right now, then suggest that she either quit in good standing and be rehired when the situation resolves or demote to a “less important” position with hours her ex can’t always count on her being there with (and hours that if she had to be a no-show, wouldn’t kill you, as well).

See, with him lurking around…it’s now not only her safety that is in concern…it’s all of your employees (and obviously, her children are involved, too).

One of these days, he could “go postal” and come in on her, or another worker thinking she should be there at that time, and that would not be a good thing.

The scenarios above are what I would do in your shoes…for her safety as well as yours.

ETA: If she continues to be a no-show with no communication, honestly, I’d call the police and request a welfare check because of what’s going on. You don’t know if she just chose to not come in, or was withheld from coming in. SO scary.
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We all have problems and issues outside of work.

You can only deal with the things that go on at work. She didn’t show up so that’s a final written warning at the least or termination if she’s given you problems in the past.

I hate drama in the workplace. It’s up to you to create a positive, upbeat atmosphere in your shop. If there are people there that hinder that process, you get rid of them.
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Thanks all for your input. In my experience it seems that store problems/issues are of 3 varieties. #1) Those that can be overlooked & are not that important to the overall success of the store. For example, I have employed people whom I didn’t particularly care for, but their performance was such that the “payoff” exceeded the costs. We should always remind ourselves that the petty stuff (and there is plenty of it in pizza) is beneath us. That attitude has wiped out half the “problems”. #2) Problems that can be fixed, issues that can be resolved & relationships that can be reconciled with clear communication–essentially forcing employees to confront the notion of an ultimatum. The"my way or the highway approach", but not so purposefully blunt as to leave resentment to fester & possibly come to rise at some point in the future. #3)Problems/Issues that can’t be fixed, with compromising some important component of operations. Without providing anymore context, this is a number 3.

I agree a bit with each of you & indeed, my first instinct for a no call/no show for a manager is term them. However, no decision or action exists in a vacuum in our industry. Terming a manager creates a domino effect–sometimes short term/sometimes long term. Terming someone to make a point is really pointless, so I am going to take the appropriate action to protect my store above the interests of all others. And some will say, how diabolical you are. I always have to remind myself to make the best business decision for the store & don’t let it get personal. And believe me, It’s a f—ing insult to me personally when a mgr pulls this. As they say, the show must go on & on & on.
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