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Tomato Filets (Tom)


New member
Hey Tom. In another thread we spoke of these. Im curious to know how you use them as your sauce. Im gonna get my hands on a can but I want to have a plan. I’m picturing throwing them on top of a “Grandma Pie”…a spin on a margherita pizza. You mentioned nothing about grinding or chopping, sounds very hearty. I am familiar with most stanislaus products ( I currently use two )…and love their product and customer service. Your knowledge is power and I really appreciate the help.
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What I like to do is to drain the filets well, and then add them just as they are. I begin by painting the dough skin with olive oil, then adding some diced garlic (don’t worry about getting it uniformly distributed over the dough skin), I then add fresh basil leaves (either whole or cut), and then I add the tomato filets. I am not looking for full coverage as you would with a sauce, but rather half to two-thirds coverage, just try to arrange the filets uniformly across the dough skin, for me, I like to add torn pieces of Mozzarella cheese (never diced and seldom shredded) but that’s just me, Dress the pizza as you normally would. I like to finish the pizza with a sprinkling of shredded Parmesan cheese (about 1-ounce on a 12-inch pizza). The tomato filets add a great appearance to the pizza, but nothing tops the flavor they provide. With the summer almost here, try substituiting the tomato filets with slices of fresh, whole tomato. Don’t worry about the variety as they all work well, and no need to peal either. Just slice about 1/8-inch thick, and place onto the dough skin just like I’ve described for the tomato filets. When slicing, be sure to layer with absorbant towels to pick-up any excess juice form the slices.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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We use fresh tomatos on many of our specialty pies. Nothing else has that great look and fresh flavor. I am curious about the Stani product though. I think I will ask our rep for a sample.
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Steve, et al. The tomato filets are a versatile and tasty product for sure. We get really good in-season tomatoes maybe 3 months out of the year, so we need something for the rest of the time. I used this same tomato filet for a quick caparese salad that can be put on bruschetta, used as is, or even added on top of lettuce mix or with pasta for salad.
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For those that haven’t tried Stanislaus’ “Tomato Magic” I highly encourage you…we used to use their Full Red & their pizza sauce, then their crushed items…

But we dropped all the others & just use the TM & our spice blend/routine…
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