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Tomato/Pizza sauce king?


New member
I was at our annual FSA food show the other day and ended up talking to the Stanislaus rep. According to what he says, they are pretty much the king in the pizza industry (with regards to tomato and pizza sauces) and at all the Pizza Expos (which I have not been to), everyone flocks to their booth and they are where its all happening.

Not one to put much faith into what a salesperson tells me, what does everyone really think of them?
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Just do a search for Stanislaus on this board and you will see a large number of the people here use their products. I have used them from day one and will never change. The company has a great product and great customer service.
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I don’t use Stanislaus, and never have. I stopped by their booth years ago, and they sent me samples, marketing materials, and bent over backwards to do it.

They are the kind of company I want to be a customer of. I wish the products they sell were available in my market.
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Well, maybe an honest salesperson for once 🙂

He said they would send me some samples; just coordinate it through my salesperson. I’ll have to follow up on that and try their products. They had little spoon samples at the show, but I need to make a bunch of pizzas…maybe even have some regulars do a blind taste test kind of thing.

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We’ve used Stanilaus 7/11 exclusively since we opened. I tried a LOT of brands when building our recipes and for us, 7/11 won hands down.
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Cant say a bad word!

My wife and I were even fortunate enough to go on a tour of their whole operation. Out in tomato field at 6am then follow the tomotoes fresh picked to the plant (one of the cleanest facilities I have ever seen) and a few hours later holding a can with the same tomatoes I had in my hand earlier that day on the vine.

Just got some posters from them for my lobby too.
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Just contact your local rep and you wont have to worry about spoon samples…the rep will walk you through their offerings and I would not be sursprised when the cases of samples show up! It is in their best interest to get you on board and 3-4 cases of tomatos is the cost of building their client base. Just ask. :!:
Their business and service has been exemplary for the vast majority of those who use them. Some have reported bad experiences, and those are worth hearing. Often times, it is local brokers/distributors who drop the ball. If you contacct them directly with your issue, they will often correct it from the home office. Basically, their business model is about making committments to quality and end-user satisfaction. Their loyalty is to us in the kitchens rather than negotiated deals with distributors. Win-win in that they get more control of their marketplace by having loyal consumers as leverage . . . and the customers get consistent pricing they can count on with a product they can bank on. They deal fairly and firmly with distributors with everyone paying the same price for a case of tomatoes at the distributor level. That gives us knowledge about who is giving best pricing and who is being less that forthcoming in their dealings with us.

Try the tomatoes. Try several styles, including the crushed 7-11/Tomato Magic as they are freshest . . . and I used to mix in their super heavy with basil (Saporito) for extending and a little more economical mix. Their tomatoes have been the most consistent I have tried, and good rich tomato every time. Make the pies and taste them . . . even if you end up paying 4 cents more a pizza, the taste is a big deal on the sauce. Get it right . . . just like you are doing.
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I’ve been using Tomato Magic for years…I used to blend it with their pizza sauce, but in the last year, have switched away from blending other Stanislaus products, as I prefer the clean tomato taste of Tomato Magic…$25/case…
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20.95 for a case of 7/11. Is that about right? I love the stuff… and at 3.50 a can, it’s not much more than some of your ‘economical’ choices.

The Escalon guy wants me to switch but it’s 9 bucks more a case and it would have to be special ordered. No bueno!
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The product is always first class. And these guys almost “invented” the “freshpack” label. I have never seen stem pieces, leaves, etc. included, and they claim (and the proof is dispalyed in your finished pies) that they pick, wash, process and can all within like 6 hours…man, that’s freshpacked…and you can taste it. Geeeeez, I sound like a pitchman for them.
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