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too busy!


New member
That is not a bad thing to be…but we just opened monday. A soft opening first. We are having long waits…and tonight our oven didnt stay at 500 due to opening closing of doors so much. Making wait even longer.
I know business will die down once ppl get accustommed to having us around. But we need another oven to handle all this!
Advice plz as we are first time owners.
thank you
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As the night goes on keep bumping the oven temp up which will help maintain the temps, just don’t forget to turn it back down once the rush is over. Hope this helps!
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Congratulations and good luck.
I have no advice to give on the oven. But at this time the main thing is to keep your customers informed of how long it will take, If it’s taking an hour to get a pizza out let the person know when they place the order they will either wait or cancel at that time, If your offering something besides pizza that will take less time you can offer it at that time. they will be more ticked off if you tell them 20 minutes and they have to wait another 40 for their pizza.
Also, when your busy like this it is a great time to take a step back and see if you have any inefficient steps, maybe a table needs to be moved so employees aren’t running in to one another or maybe something can be moved so their are less steps to get where you need. We have changed quite a few things, because it becomes more apparent when it’s busy than slow.
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What oven set up do you currently have?
If it’s a single stack it, the best option is to add another oven on top. Thus your taking the same floor-space footprint. Your also better off with a 2 or 3 stack oven versus one larger single oven in the event of an oven failure.
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We ran into that too when we opened. I found it’s best to just be honest with customers. Tell them that you are much busier than you expected and that you really appreciate having that problem. People might be willing to wait a little longer to see what the fuss is about. It puts out the vibe that you’re doing better than you expected, rather than that you aren’t competent to keep up with the pace. Just make sure that you don’t get in such a rush that you sacrifice quality. You want to make a great first impression.
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get a conveyor ! 1/2 garlic breads with each entre slowed us down, eliminated for cooks, openly communicating with customers "before " they ask you, where is my food? helps,do you have a website with your menu for us ?
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