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Tornado in KS....


Staff member
We have a couple regular contributors from the area affected…Just hope they are safe and sound…
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I feel bad for the people in Joplin, Mo. Last I heard 24 dead there alone. We had two tornado 4 miles from my parents house today and I spent an hour in our basement shelter with my daughter while it all went down. It has been and continues to be an active year. Be safe to all! :!:

Say a prayer as it only gets worse!
I’m in Manhattan, Kansas and we didn’t get a thing except for a look at some pretty manacing clouds over the weekend. Topeka, KS had large, damaging hail (good for the body shops), but Reading, KS, about 80-miles south of here took a hard hit from a tornado. Joplin, MO, well that’s another story. Reports this morning are that nearly 90 lives were lost, and the count is not even close to complete. With the city reported to be 75% destroyed (population about 50,000) it is a catastrophe of the greatest magnitude.
Wouldn’t it be great to get all of the pizza shops in the surrounding area to have a Disaster Relief week, where a portion of all sales for the week would be funneled into one of the relief organizations providing assistance to the people of Joplin.
Just a thought.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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When I posted last night, I had not heard the news about Joplin…So sad…I just wish there was something I could do from a distance…
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Having been active with the local Red Cross I would say to everyone, if they can, to donate even a small amount locally to your organization. The money is pooled to a certain point so that they can cover expenses nationwide. They are an organization that really does so much and with so many scam charities these days, this is still one that really gives to the needy people and not just line the pockets of a few “administrators”! :!:
The KS tornado started a couple miles from our shop in our downtown area and moved away from our town to the next town over (Reading). I was fortunate to not be at the store at the time and able to evacuate our guests out of the B&B I bought my wife last month. Kansas kids running the store, so they knew how to handle it.

We were able to feed everyone last night staying in the shelter for the town hit Saturday.
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