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trade show help plz


New member
So we’ve been open for 8months and asked to do a trade show. Great thing for us but we have a few questions.

We are making pizza and driving them 1 mile down road as needed. Approximately 100 pizzas at a time of need be. We have a warmer on site as well.
Our questions. They expect 3000 people. Expect not for fact. How many pizzas should we account for? It’s a beer fest. Taste local food and drink.
Other vendors are pulled pork sandwiches, burgers and hot dogs. Everything is 5$. So pizza may be the best option.
With that said. How many 5s/10s should we have on hand.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!!
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Congratulations! I always prepare for the most that way we don’t turn people away. Have you talked to the trade show chairperson about previous years? If this is the first year, go with your own estimates. 3,000 people are going to eat a lot of pizza.

How many $5/$10 on hand? If it is on a weekend, you should expect a lot of $20’s so make sure you have 200 of each at a minimum.

In my experience, you should start with a lot of pizzas at lunch or dinner time. Towards the end of the show you will only sell a small amount of pizzas. You could start with 100 pizzas at a time and then make much less than that in the last few hours of the show.
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Thank you! It is their first year. We just didn’t know how much product to prepare for.

20% would order pizza? boxes and rounds are what we can’t anticipate.

We didn’t know if we needed like 500$ in fives ha. Thanks so much!!
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Get set up with a virtual terminal for your phone, or a standalone POS unit to use at the event. If you take cards, you’ll sell more. Our clients use Mercury for processing, and they agree that the virtual terminal is the way to go at events.
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