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Traffic count/restaurant sales relationship information


I am looking to move to a location that increases traffic count by 6000 per day that is 1/4 mile away from my current location. I will be in a stand alone building in new location with great visibility of restaurant from road where as now, I am in a downtown building. I am just wondering if there are any articles or credible sources that talk about the relationship of traffic count and visibility of restaurant with increase/likely sales.


Erik Leber
Leb’s Pizza House
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I’ve never seen much discussion on traffic count and its relationship to patrons, and I believe if there is some way of calculating that, it probably borders on alchemy.

Visibility is huge! We moved because we had zero visibility from the main road, and saw in immediate increase in numbers because of it. And we ares still somewhat hidden due to the color of our buidling blending into the background, and being below the grade of the road.
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I have read that a location that is intrusively visible can be the best move for a business. Intrusive visibility is the quality that separates landmarks from scenery. You’re intrusively visible when the public sees you without looking for you.
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Lets just say i have moved both of my shops in the last 12 months to the tune of close to 150k, literally 1 year apart from each other. The 1st move was maybe 1/4 mile away on the same road on the same side of the street to a stand alone building with a parking lot, literally same traffic count just better visibility and parking and sales doubled over night and are still growing a year later. And i bought the building

My other shop we moved into town from the outskirts, its a smaller town and not as dramatic of an increase but we are up 55% this january from 2014’s january. And we were not slow before we moved either shop, I just new we could do more. And man was i right, i had so many people tell me i was nuts and how others have failed in the 2 spots i picked. Glad i listened to my self and not others

Locati0n location location
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I use to own a pizza place that was near “invisible”…Had we moved to a better location we would have increased our cost significantly…Not sure any of the “better” exposure would have made it to the “bottom line” after increased costs were factored in…Will also depend on the nature of your competition…
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