Training Guides?


New member
We currently operate two pizzerias and will be opening a third this coming month. We use clipboard system for training with our prep sheets, recipes on it to train new hires with. As we grow here we’d like to develop a training guide that is a more professional onboarding material - does anyone have a training and/or onboarding guide they would like to share? Or input on what helps them be successful in the training of new hires? Thank you!!

[email protected]
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We are in the process of shooting training videos. We just use my iphone and edit them the iMovie app. They are easy to edit (with a little pratice). We are far from done. They are short (less than 2 minutes).
We have FOH and BOH and POS training videos.
If a cook doesn’t know how to prep something, we pull up the video on the restaurant ipad or I use my phone and tell them to watch the video. Then myself for someone else doesn’t have to stop what they are doing. They just follow along with the video.
They are part of our server and hostess training program.
This is on my to-do list, but I’m not there yet. I also use checklists. I have a checklist for each station and I have a manager who is good at training. She uses the checklists as a reminder of what she has and hasn’t covered with a new hire.