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Trak Air Greaseless Fryer


New member
I was given a Trak Air by a friend who picked it up at a sale, I currently do not have burgers or anything of that on my menu, but have considered it, I picked up some 80-20 ground chuck & some frys & tried it, LOVE LOVE the frys they tasted just as if they were in an actual fryer, my only question is I want to have a good burger, but the burger I made I used 5oz and flatten out not to flat, added salt & pepper, the edge of the burger seemed very crispy on edges, I have tried to play with different temps & times, without making a ton of burgers on trial & error, can anyone suggest a good temp, thickness of burger, also looking for a very good bun that I can just possibly get local like possibly at local store, instead of ordering a whole case then finding out I dont like the bun.
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Its an older model, I called Trak Air to get a manual & spoke to the lady, she said absolutey, you can cook just about anything in it, hot dogs fries, burgers, chick strips, wings, although meat products cant be on the thick side & most have to be precooked. Said I would just need to play with it.
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