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Tried to take a couple of days off


New member
Thought we’d take a mini vacation leaving Saturday returning Wednesday. Just before we left One shift runner disappeared (with keys and combinations to both stores) and another put in 2 weeks notice.
Sunday morning I get a call - The quarry tile floor (which has been there for 27 years) erupted like something out of the Tremors movie into a 15 foot long speed bump across the kitchen. Then Sunday evening another call - The Freezer’s stopped working. I told them to try plugging it into the other half of the outlet and fortunately that solved the problem.
Don’t think I"ll take any more vacations for a while

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We just close up to take vacations. That way you can really relax, the employees also can have some time off, and the shop operations and equipment won’t worry you to pieces while you’re gone. I’ve found that the customers understand and are so happy to have you back they will mob in when you open back up, making up those lost sales quickly.
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Paul I want too know if anything came out of said rupture of floor? Were your employees on the roof with their rifles ready? :shock: That was a classic b-list movie. Didn’t they make like 3 or 4 in all? Also, where are you going on your vacation to recover for taking a vacation? 😛
Too funny…

I can’t tell you how many times disaster has struck days before a vacation. I’m not sure if its bad timing on my part or if it’s some reflex by the universe that tries to keep me from my much needed vacation.
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You have to do it every once in a while, you’ll go crazy if you don’t. Before pizza, i could take a week to 10 days off without blinking. Now it’s, get it through saturday night, leave late and be back wednesday/thursday and go far enough away that you have to think about rushing back for a problem, but close enough you can get back. It’s unfortunate, but there is the hope that you will one day have a strong enough crew to not have to worry about it for a week. Things are constantly happening/breaking, you just don’t even realize it when your there to intervene. It always seems worse when you get the, “the walk in/oven/etc is down” call and you are 500 miles away.
My recent vacation, things held up and my two managers that decided to quit waited until I got back.Anyways, don’t let it discourage you. You have to stop and smell something other than the pizza sauce every once in a while.
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UGH - I was just thinking about this post over the weekend - and here is my wonderful week so far!

-My wife and I have a baby coming sometime late this week or weekend. So we have all the stresses of a 1st child coming at any second.
-Sunday evening my water pump went out on my car.
-Monday morning one of my 2 ovens decided it wanted to quit firing up on me ( This Thursday is the last day of school in town - one of my busiest days of the year).
-Monday was also really hot, so I went to turn on the air conditioner for the 1st time this season - doesn’t work… Cant get some one to come in until early next week!
-And, as I was trying to leave about half an hour ago tonite, my dish washing sinks backed up through the floor drains, flooding my back kitchen!

As I’m sitting here waiting to pay the overnight rates to a plumber, I ask all of us - WHAT WERE WE THINKING??? I think I would sell this place for a pocket full of change right now… But wouldnt do that to anybody I even half-way care about. GRRRRRRRR!!!
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Hang in there Calazone! Seeing your baby for the first time will make allllll the rest of this nonsense seem mighty small. At least for a little while!!

We’re actually taking a long week and making a trip to Rome at the end of the month. It’s about 3 years earlier than we were planning to, but things fell into place. BUT…we’ve decided it is much smarter in our situation anyway to simply declare a “Summer Vacation” week while we’re gone and shut the place down. That way, there’s a better chance there will be something left to come home to!!
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