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TrueAir prep table


Active member
last 2 days I have noticed that I have water in the bottom of my prep table. Did some digging around on the net & possibly might be the top of the drain tube is blocked. broke down prep table & it seems there is a lot of sheet metal to be removed just to get to anything.
Does anyone have a better solution besides calling “the guy” to come & charge me an arm & a leg . Was thinking about taking my air compressor and blowing thru al the little vents ??
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My “guy” suggested the exact thing you are thinking of doing. He also suggested once a month to blow out the fins on the condenser too. Just beware of the mess that entails sometimes from the drain tube.
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My “guy” suggested the exact thing you are thinking of doing. He also suggested once a month to blow out the fins on the condenser too. Just beware of the mess that entails sometimes from the drain tube.
I have always made a habit of blowing off the fins & yes I know how bad it gets haha
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During the summer months both of my make lines do start to build up ice and water from the ice melting inside. Two years ago i started unplugging both one night every week and that has helped considerably. But it also depends on your relative humidity levels and average temperature inside the store.

This year the humidity level has been higher (we are finally getting rain almost every day again, yay ! no more drought) and the small make line has been building up water every day, but the main make line is still doing fine.

The drain could be plugged or slow draining causing the water build up, but you always need to account for the environment with refrigeration.
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