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TT friends: Need some help.


New member
We have launched our retail website for our other business.

Before doing google adwords etc etc, we need some (friends) people to look at the site, check out products and trouble shoot. Messages to me via PM are a great way to get feedback to me.

As a thank you to our beta testers, you can order anything you want at 20% off by using promo code “zirkeltest” at check out.

If you do decide to buy, please be aware that the site is brand new and we are working on the details!

Thanks for your help.
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Not sure if you had any responses but seems here would be better so I don’t bother repeating what others have said. And we can all debate the changes/opinions.

In about section:
…find us on Facebook by seaching FOR "Zirkel… not on

in dress shoe section…Whether you are looking for a practical shoe for YOUR everyday… not our…and there should probably be a comma after khakis?

I had to click on the Horny Toad link…I mean who wouldnt?? 🙂 You are missing a comma between funtion and quality…though it seems a weird sentence even with it.

Nat nast section: Spring 2012 update…misspelled Several

Scott Barber section: It should be Their vision…not our vision…unless you are the company. In the 2012 update section…these have been best sellers FOR years AND for good reason:

Tori Richard: spring update…in long and short sleeve sleeve…

All I had time for. Maybe more later.
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Being a grammar nazi… but “Warrantee” should be “Warranty” on your return policy page. A warrantee is the person to whom a warranty is given.

The main page also doesn’t render well on my monitor. The bottom of the page is cut off, so the sections about “New Arrivals” and the description of the store isn’t visible unless I scroll.

I would include some sort of call to action on the front page, either to open an account or sign up for an e-mail newsletter or “specials” if you do that kind of thing. You’ve spent the money to get them to the page - get some information for future marketing.
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