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TT info needed for PMQ online content


Staff member
Any takers? I am writing a little article about the Think Tank for and I’d like to highlight some of our members with their full name, pizzeria, location and picture.

Mostly I want to know why you come here and what kind of memorable you experiences you have.
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I’m in, please message me what criteria you’d like and how long you want it. Thanks!
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I think maybe I did this before?

Besides my pizza store ownership, one of the ways I feel like I can be helpful on the TT is contributing from the perspective of a business broker and commercial property broker.

Info on that aspect of what I do can be found here:

I am the 5th one down.
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We would love to have our social cause/pizza included in your article. Walter/Judy

I come here to learn more about the business side of pizza, help when I can, and for Tom Lehman’s insights.
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This got put on hold for the time being but I will be sure to reach out another time. Thanks for ya’lls response 🙂
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