Tuesday night Live chat

What, you’ve got time to chat on Tuesday nights? I’ve gotta run some labor that night to get me right for the rest of the week. Must be nice to have such a well run establishment. -J_r0kk
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What, you’ve got time to chat on Tuesday nights? I’ve gotta run some labor that night to get me right for the rest of the week. Must be nice to have such a well run establishment. -J_r0kk
Yes I have time to chat on most Tuesdays, or I make time. You cant run labor reports any other time? It is very nice to have well run establishment. I find if you are good at what you do and can get your employees to be good at what you teach them chances are you to can have a well run restaurant!
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I would be interested in it starting up as well. The forum is great, but a lot can be accomplished by a group of like minded individuals just throwing things out there, and bouncing ideas off of eachother. I am in if it works out.

David McGuire
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If you would like to establish a chat, and can get others to participate, set up a time, let us know when, and we’ll publicize it for you…also, you can use our chatroom at PMQ–What topics would you like covered? We can help get the ball rolling again if enough people are up for it. The reason we discontinued the chat was because enough people weren’t using it. Often, we’d only have 5 or 6 people…we need more people to continue the chat.

Here’s a link to the chatroom:


Except PMQ was having to find guest speakers, as well as have a staff member show up to moderate the chats. All after regular business hours. For a magazine that reaches thousands – 5 or 6 isn’t really getting the job done. Granted, I use IM to chat with several operators when ever I want… but I know not everyone using instant messenger programs.
How about we shoot for next week and maybe PMQ can send out info that we will be having a Tuesday night chat. I would like to heve an open chat where we can just talk about whatever we want.
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