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I have been open now for 8 weeks Is, we have averaged £1440 per week, so far from dead. We put out 85,000 flyers 50k in the first 3 weeks and the balance over the other 5 weeks. am I right in thinking that if I put out 10k a week from now that I will substain this income level. Provided I make a good pizza and have good delivery, and prices are good. Can anyone tell me how long it will take to get to a maximum turnover for a store.
I am not blowing my own trumpet, but we do make a great pizza, my customers have actually called up to tell me that, now for British people to do that, they must be good pizza’s, as British people, hardly ever complain, let alone call up to say what a great pizza they just had.
Now these pizza’s are on great because of the help we revived from Tom Lehmann, and the other members in this forum
I want to thank everyone who has helped me. Thanks Tom
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