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I have a choice for a new location and am looking for some advice. First the details. The space is a little over 3000 sq. ft. which the landlord is willing to break down into 2 1600 sq ft units. I am in a college city. The spot is maybe 2 minutes away from the college on the major highway. Although I haven’t done an actual count yet 100’s of students walk right by there to get to other areas of the campus and the parking garage. Right across the highway the college will be building a student complex for 200. My question really is what type of service should I go for? I know if I wanted the whole 3000 I could possible do carry-out with a quick service menu or should I just maybe do carry-out delivery? The rent per sq. ft. is $13.00 and the owner is acutally a contractor also so he is willing to do alot of the work to improve the building. I have several months to go before it’s ready but I just want to get my ducks in a row.
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The space is a little over 3000 sq. ft. which the landlord is willing to break down into 2 1600 sq ft units.
:?: 3000 / 2 = 1600? :lol:
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Okay, okay. You said a little over 3000.

From my experience on trying to start a joint, the costs get out of control easily. In a college town, I would focus on carryout/delivery. You are going to have to be more concerned with price than other locales. So make sure all costs are tightly controlled.
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as a college store operator - thats a tuff Q…

Paul makes a good living just on carry-out & delivery…

We have limited seating & are located 1.5 miles from campus…

How many studente enrolled? Locals?

Combining Del/Co & dining can be challenging, but doable…

What will you do to bring in the students?

How is the $$$ supply…


If I had to do it all over again, I’d do seating & Del/Co, but my current design/space limitations make dine-in nearly impossible…

There is an empty store next to me that we are considering leasing, but no firm plans yet…
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There are about 6000 students enrolled at the college. And a general population of about 29,172 according to the Chamber of commerce. One of my major ideas to get them as customers is to extend delivery hours till about 2:00 am. We did a poll on alot of the students and a good percent of them say they usually stay up late cramming for the next day and there is usually nothing really open past 12 expect convience stores.
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How many other delivery pizza places are there in the yellow pages? What is the business model they use?

Students are “price” shoppers. If you have a couple of national chains in a race to the bottom price wise, you will find it impossible to compete with them on price and be profitable.

If you are in the foot traffic zone of the university you can do very well with slices.

1600 square feet is a great size for a delco and slice operation. Properly built out, that is big enough to handle nearly any volume.

$13 per foot is pretty good rent. Be SURE to get professional advice in the leasing process. A lease for 10 years on 1600 feet at $13, assuming rent increases and common area expenses, is a contract to pay between 300-350K. Don’t sign one without the advice of counsel.
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The only other delivery place in that specific area is Papa John’s but they are in the shopping center the college is tearing down to put up students housing so they will be moving in the next few months. From what I have seen the foot traffic past the location is very heavy due to the fact that it leads to the campus parking garage and the athletic fields.
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Hi Maset:

Most of our pizza shop clients opt for Delivery carry out without seating.

Exception if they can get a liquor license.

Which ever way you select we will be happy to do a floor plan for you.

No charge for that service.

George Mills [email protected]
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