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I’m curious as to what your uniform policies are? T-shirt, polo, hat, visor, jeans, shorts (how short or long is permited)? Also, tattoos, facial hair? Nametags?
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I supply two ‘branded’ T shirts, but don’t require that they wear them. (Most do, as it keeps their own clothes clean). Other than that: T shirts and shorts, or better. Must be clean, and not overly offensive, slogan-wise on the T shirt. Overly visible Tatoos won’t get hired in the first place, and while I am personally disgusted by piercings, I have given up on fighting them, as they are just too prevelent in this area. Don’t care about facial hair, no nametags.
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We supply t-shirt or polo shirt along with hat/visor and nametag. Is deducted from 1st pay, along with any subsequent uniform pieces. The crew must wear black pants/shorts. Don’t care abt facial hair, try not to hire with obvious tattoos, and do not approve of non-standard piercings.
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We were going to splash out on uniforms this month, but we are now doing 75% of our business as delivery. So we are going for a few branded jackets for the delivery drivers and then leave a simple t-shirt and pants code.
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Brand recognition is important to get known in your market place…Although custom logo gear may seem costly, it helps you establish your brand…I think staff dressed in similar garb gives your location better curb appeal…
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Ditto Royce’s comment. We looked at Tees, polos, and a “cook” shirt for the kitchen crews. Polos and banded collared long sleeve for the servers. In the end we chose the black cook shirts with khaki shorts for the kitchen, and both the shirt options for up front. All the shirts carry our logo full-colored embroidered…it cost a bit more, but it’s the best fit for the image we want to project to our customer.

For Christmas we purchased a very nice hoodie with a unique logo on front. The staff liked them, and then, “loved” them when we told them that only our family-staff would ever have this particular logo. They really seemed to respond that they were viewed as special. (and they are, most of the time.)
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Deacon I have to disagree with you on the “special for family” logo. Coming from a large family run company the last thing we ever wanted to do was make the “family” look special. You want all your employees to work hard and feel special all the time. Why not have an employee only hoodie with the logo that is not for sale to outside people. You want your employees to go that extra mile and do what it takes to make the business more successful. This in turn makes you more money and also less headaches. Sorry but if I worked for some family business and all of a sudden all the family employees had special uniforms to make them stand out from us “hired help”… WOW! My level of productivity just went out the window! :x

Ok…self-clarification… After reading this again…I think Deacon is giving this to family and STAFF! I am leaving this up anyway…since I think it was a good point to make anyway! :idea:
Yes of course…as you self-edited. We wanted our employees to know that we do view them as a very special part of our lives, just like family. The hoodies will not be available to purchase over the counter by the general public. Once the staff knew this, it made a nice gift, even more appreciated I think.
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