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università della pizza in Italy


New member
Hi there!!!

I didn’t know where write about it (if the admin doesn’t want let me know 😃 ):

Here in Italy there is an university or similar, that is starting to move on right now(I know,I know… my english is terrible…forgive me! :cry: )

It’s called università della pizza, and they are working for pizzaioli to pizzaioli, and they gives recipes, infos, faqs…maybe you could find it interesting, so this is the link:

I hope to have done a good thing, please let me know!

See you later!

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Your English is much, much better than my Italian.
Thank you for contributing.

By the way, at least you use punctuation, sentences and paragraphs, which is more than some of our native english speaking posters.
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Hi DJ pizza

Il mio italiano non è il modo in prossimità buono come il mio inglese. Il problema con il sito che la sua è in italiano e ad essere onesti, non credo che molti di noi sarebbe in grado di leggerlo.

Ma grazie per le informazioni.
Wizzle 😃
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Molto buon! Non leggo bene l’italiano, in modo da incontrerò difficoltà . Altri hanno potuto trovarli utile.

(Very good! I do not read Italian well, so I will have difficulty. Others might find it useful.)
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Wizzle doesn’t translate into Italian? 8)
What do you mean doesn’t translate - its an authentic Italian name! You can’t make good authentic pizza if your not Italian! Honestly Kris - you’d think I’d make it up?? :roll:
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Wizzle Wassell:
What do you mean doesn’t translate - its an authentic Italian name! You can’t make good authentic pizza if your not Italian!
  1. Pizza is such an evolving dish that there is no “authentic” pizza. If you are going to be technical about it, the Italians got it from the Greeks. Tomatoes were not used for another hundred years. Everyone customizes it to their own tastes. To say there is only one “authentic” pizza is just pizza pretentiousness.
  2. One’s origin of birth does not determine one’s abilities.
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  1. Pizza is such an evolving dish that there is no “authentic” pizza. If you are going to be technical about it, the Italians got it from the Greeks. Tomatoes were not used for another hundred years. Everyone customizes it to their own tastes. To say there is only one “authentic” pizza is just pizza pretentiousness.
  2. One’s origin of birth does not determine one’s abilities.
Sorry I omitted to mention - a) Wizzell I get from my Italian father and b) Wassell from my Greek mother. So I sort have got the bases covered in the ‘authentic’ respect.

να μην είστε πάρα πολύ σοβαρός ! (that’s Greek by the way) :lol:
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Thank you all, guys!

I sent an email yesterday,(about the translation) they said that the english section is under construction and will be online as soon as possible!

Grazie mille per aver scritto in italiano…mi fa piacere!


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sei il benvenuto … la sua buona a praticare il mio italiano, il suo stato un così lungo tempo la sua spero non troppo male.

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