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Univex Mixers anyone using them

I have a 60 qt unisex that we bought used and have been using for about 15 years now. Works great and use it daily. I did have to have bearings replaced shortly after I got it, but other than that…no problems.
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Do your self a favor, don’t buy a belt driven mixer

They are junk, I had a Univex 30 quart and it was the biggest POS ever.
If I didn’t have the know how to fix things it would have cost me thousands. I had to weld 2-3 pieces back together that broke, pulleys failed, belts wear out fast etc etc etc
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Have a 30 qt Univex.
Been used for a year and never a problem and hope I do not hex it now.
Bought it used from Caseys and did nothing to it when bought it.
We make on average a batch of dough daily.
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