Unwanted NON Stop caller


Active member
Is there any UK people on here?? I have had this guy from the UK, non stop calling my business for the last 2 days tying up my phone lines, we keep putting him on hold and just not responding but its been relentless for the last 2 days. 447451290548. This is the # thats showing up on the caller ID. I have no way to stop it here in the US, and just am at my wits ends and clueless as what to do. He just keeps wanting to randomly talk and keeps asking if i know some girl. I really got irate with him at one point because he has called more than 20 times in 2 days
Do you use PizzaCloud? If you do, you can blacklist that number. If you don’t, I would try your phone provider to see if they offer such a service
Well got that taken care of, this dude kept calling over & over & over all weekend even during Easter Sunday…Called my phone provider they are permanently blocked… I honestly did not know if it was possible because the call was coming from the UK…