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It’s been a couple of weeks since we talked. How are things going over there? -J_r0kk
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i already told you your a savior every day looks better and better. I just pulled a bowling account to sell them pizzas for 8.00 a pie, for there pizza parties. And this was so far my best week in a very long time , im close to doubling what i was doing a month ago. Thanx again,and again even my wife is smiling lololol…
Man, that is so awesome to hear. I’m proud of you brotha. Don’t forget about my phone call on your first $1,000 night. Keep it rolling and have some fun now that the weight’s being lifted off your shoulders.

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No Im really proud of u because there arent to many people that would take time to even hear a problem as well as trying to help me solve it. Anyway today was slow so were heading back out to pound those doors after we do every house do you think we can do those house over or should i wait?Or doyou think I should buy professional doorhangers now?
Thanx again
Congrats up23 !!

Many people know how to raise sales but few are willing and able to put forth the effort to do what needs to get done.

There is no magic key. It’s smart, effective marketing and how you use your people.

I’m kinda stuck right now. I’m really short on people and I’m killing myself doorhanging before and after my 12 hour days. I start at 9am, either doorhang or doing business visits and then after an open to close I do an hour or two driving around putting doorhangers in peoples newspaper holders. It’s nice when people find our doorhang along with their newspaper in the morning. Almost like it came with the paper.

The staffing problem should be fixed in a couple weeks but until then I can’t let-up on the promo. Once you let it slip it takes you two weeks to catch back up.
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td_VP192 writes:
Congrats up23 !!
Many people know how to raise sales but few are willing and able to put forth the effort to do what needs to get done.

There is no magic key. It’s smart, effective marketing and how you use your people.

I’m kinda stuck right now. I’m really short on people and I’m killing myself doorhanging before and after my 12 hour days. I start at 9am, either doorhang or doing business visits and then after an open to close I do an hour or two driving around putting doorhangers in peoples newspaper holders. It’s nice when people find our doorhang along with their newspaper in the morning. Almost like it came with the paper.

The staffing problem should be fixed in a couple weeks but until then I can’t let-up on the promo. Once you let it slip it takes you two weeks to catch back up.

td, have you tried postcard mailing? One marketing aspect I’ve implimented here has been exactly that. The return is actually quite similar with a net of 3%-5%. The difference would be the amount you can distribute in a given day.

I’ve come up with a plan to hit customers with post cards based on zip code and carrier route. Though saturation mailing is the cheapest form, it can still get pretty expensive if you’re doing an entire zip code. What I’ve done is break down the zip code to carrier routes. It’s still the same price per household as zip code saturation but it’s a lot cheaper on the wallet and you can target a specific part of town.

I hit two carier routes at a time. Each carrier route is approximately 750 addresses. Each week (with the exception of weeks where bulk mailings are dispersed) I put out 1500 postcards. At a cost of 22 cents per address (for printing, handling, and mailing) the cost is $330/week. I’ve already pre-printed the postcards and got a cheaper printing price (about 4.5 cents each… they’re black and white on colored stock) so each week my cost is only mailing and handling. My net cost each week is actually $262.50/week. The return is as follows:

1500 postcards x 4% return = 60 orders

60 orders x $18.00 ticket avg. = $1080/week in additional sales

Cost of advertising = $262.50

Advertising % = 24.3%

My goal is to net 25% or less advertising cost with each maketing campaign. This is at the top of my goaled limit, but still within the parameters I’ve set.
It’s a great marketing tactic and helps relieve the pressure of doorhanging… especially when there’s snow on the ground and 10 degree temps outside. Maybe you should look into an avenue like this to help offset the pressures of doorhanging yourself since you’re short on staff. -J_r0kk
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Postcarding is new to me. After a week like I’ve had I’m VERY interested in doing something like this. The only postcards we use right now are for when we make mistakes. We call them ‘Start From Scratch’ cards.

What do your postcards look like ?
What offer do you have on there ?
Where did you have them printed ?
How do you identify carrier routes within a zip code ?
How do you go about getting a bulk rate for them ?

Thanks in advance !

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PM me your email addy and I’ll send you a copy. For printing you just go through the basic search: call 3 print shops out of the phone book, give all three an opportunity to make a bid, and go with the one you feel most comfortable with.
How do you identify carrier routes within a zip code ?
How do you go about getting a bulk rate for them ?
I actually got that carrier route info from none other than . I’ve seen countless people refer to that website in this forum so I decided I’d give it a look. EXTREMELY interesting site. That’s where this marketing strategy was born. You can download a list for about $10/1000 addresses so it’s very affordable.

As far as distribution, I’ve done the stickers on postcards for customer base mailings and I must say… it absolutely sucks. I hate putting stickers on postcards! With this marketing campaign I decided to use a local mailhouse to take care of everything for me. At any point all I have to do is make a phone call and say, “Okay, mail this carrier route” and they’ll be on it. Actually, it’s a little more planned out than the aforementioned “phone call”, but I’m sure you get the point with the operational simplicity of this plan. This service is inclusive with the prices I shared in the previous post.

It’s a huge stress relief when all you have is doorhanging and you need to get marketing out there to potential customers without additional help. With this activity, you can still get the numbers out there, but you can use your extra time now to get staff into the store. Hope this helps, and don’t forget to PM me your email addy so I can send you a copy. -J_r0kk
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