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urban spoon

Ok… I have followed the masses here and voted for everyone too. I have also read through a lot of posts and find one thing with all. When there is a good review… the reviewer has only posted one or two times at different restaurants. That tells me they either really had a great time and felt the need too post and write a review or they know someone. The flipside too this is the bad reviews. There is no middle here for the most part. The bad ones tend too have more reviews in their history and they are either 100% bad or 100% best meal and service of my life! All this just reinforces how irrelevant these sites are or need too be. The voting is not accurate and the reviews are I would guess…75% or more… just made up! The other threads about to respond or not too these really needs to be addressed. I know that reading a bad review will irritate many but I think it is more low-life competition or groupon users looking for another free meal! :!:
Is there a maximum number of “Likes” you can have in one day on Urban Spoon? I was up to 27 votes yesterday and it went down to 18 today. I wonder if its like Yelp’s wonderful filter.

Fireside, don’t forget your link so we can Like yours.
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I noticed the same thing but to a lessor extent. I had 51 yesterday and only 47 today with presumably a couple votes today.
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I think it may limit how many votes it will count each day for an individual person voting. If I click on some of the ones I voted for yesterday, it doesn’t show that I have voted yet.
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Just want you all to know we appreciate the boost in “Likes” from you all on our urbanspoon page. With the way they do the ratio of likes:not likes on there, it will help tremendously with that rogue “not like” that’s posted from someone, or entity, that “not like” your shop with the sole purpose of trying to make you look bad.

Again, many thanks from me, Alice, and the boys.
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