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urgent floor plan help


Staff member
as a lot of you know I will be going in to a new building
I THOUGHT i had untill june before decidding my sqaure foot age and lay out
just found out that the land owner is bumping everything up and making this a priority.
what it looks like will be 6 units across, mine on the end the whole unit will be sort of L shaped
my initial thought is 20x60, 20x20 for the kitchen and 20x 40 for the dining area/bar and bathrooms
how will that work?
ps the store "front will be 40ft across as the other 20 will be hidden in the L turn
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One thing to consider is whether you want your kitchen “stuck at one end” or out in the open. I remember (as a kid) standing outside the local pizza joint and watching the guy toss dough. We led boring lives, but my point is that the show is part of the fun (or can be).
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Hi Ron

I think you are going to be short of space.

Most all of the, carry out only, pizza shops we layout for the chains we work with are 20’ X 60’ and only about 20’ X 7’ is for the lobby.

It appears to us that to do all that you want would take a 20" X 100" building.

George Mills
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I’m running a space of 22’x85’ long rectangle plus an additional 12x20 off to the side of kitchen for pantry/storage. We are primarily doing delco with plan to open dining up within a few months (as soon as we can afford to add bathrooms). I have grand total of 5700 sq feet at my disposal, but that’s another story.

We are a long rectangle with front door on the short side: in a line, the areas are

  • []21x38 dining room/server alley [] 21x23 main kitchen/prep area
    additional 12x20 storage/cooler/pantry room off side of kitchen, centered

    [] 10x12 dishwashing/clean dish storage area [] 12x21 dry storage area including 8x6 ADA compliant unisex b’room

It probably ain’t perfect, but we have room for reorganization and reconfiguration if needed. I don’t have it online yet, but am working on it to show what we are plannig for our space.
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