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USDA replaces Food Pyramid


New member
…those still operating under the Four Food Groups more behind than ever!

So, while reading a trade magazine I learned that the old jumbled-mess of a food pyramid…
had been replaced with…

A new interactive website has been set up at

Personally, I like this new visual representation as it is much simpler to conceptualize. It sort of screams, “eat more fruits and vegetables” at you.

My daughters recognized the pyramid (“that’s on the wall at school, dad”) but neither has seen the new plate guide. Has anyone else heard about this yet?
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I have indeed seen the new food recommendations plate as I am very interested in nutrition. The new “My Plate” of daily recommended food group consumption was born (presumably) out of a lawsuit brought against the USDA by a physicians group claiming that the traditional food pyramid was not straightforward enough for the public to understand and did not give recommendations that promoted wellness. It’s interesting to note that they now call the “meats and beans” section “protein”, I applaud this change. I personally take issue with a government entity setting these dietary standards all while some panel members have special interests tied within the food industry such as beef and dairy. But it is certainly a step in the right direction!
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I think that considering the way the plate is divided we should call it the “Nutrition Pizza” :mrgreen:
I have not seen this yet, but it does not suprise me. I am amazed at the Olive Garden and Red Lobster bending over to appease the nanny state. We get PSA’s here all the time on the radio telling us how and what to eat, how to cook our food letting us know we would be healthier if we went jogging every day rather than watching the complete works of Alec Baldwin on DVD.
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Ok…I have revisited this one! 😛
I don’t understand this, you took the fruits and grains away. Where is the beer and wine suppose to fit in? :roll:
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