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Utility bills... what are you paying?


New member
What has been your average Utility bills for the past 3 months? With the cost of everything going higher, these utilities are killing us!

Electric avg. $880 mo.
Gas avg. $560 mo.
Water avg. $0, landlord pays (at least we get some type of break)
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Our average gas/water/electric combined (all one provider: City Utilities) is about $700. We run Gas hot water and furnace . . . electric AC and lighting and refrigeration.

I just voted for a base charge increase in both water and sewerage for businesses this past March. Went up $20 apiece! I am on the City Council who sets these fees. My fellow council member is making noise that he wants to create a business tier for natural gas . . . he doesn’t like me much, and I may be one of the top 5 consumers in town. That suggestion was made a year ago, and he’s done no leg work yet . . . so I doubt it will go anywhere.

Our electric rates could bump a little depending on City’s pending costs of buying into a new nuclear plant expansion. Base rate may increase, then cost per kWh would likely go down. Complicated math. Either way, when we get a new 12 to 15-ton, 3-phase AC unit installed this fall (replacing a 5 ton we have now), our utilities will climb, but not too terrible much.
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i can pay as high as $2,600 combined
In the winter,with all the furnaces and the kitchen running full steam on fri-sat night i am burning 1.5 million BTU
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What has been your average Utility bills for the past 3 months? With the cost of everything going higher, these utilities are killing us!

Electric avg. $880 mo.
Gas avg. $560 mo.
Water avg. $0, landlord pays (at least we get some type of break)
Finally we have something similar in costs.

Gas is about $360 but electricity is the same.

Our State Govt has said that they will increasing electricity charges 10% a year over the next 10 years to make the electricity providor (state owned) less of a money loser.

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i can pay as high as $2,600 combined
In the winter,with all the furnaces and the kitchen running full steam on fri-sat night i am burning 1.5 million BTU
the REAL reason for gas price spikes???
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Gas $1700.00 Year round
Elect $1300.00 winter $3000.00 Summer
Electric going up 10-17%, In the paper they said average person going to pay $10 more a month
,I guess i’m not average.I wish i could fine a way to use or sell my 150 gallons of waste fryer oil a month.
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Been trying to find a car, hate to buy new to run on fryer oil, but most I find are junk or to much money.
I may buy a Getta TD when my truck lease is up. I’m looking at ways to use the oil in a hot Water Heater,but the heaters are $10,000, hoping that the price comes down in the next couple years.
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Been trying to find a car, hate to buy new to run on fryer oil, but most I find are junk or to much money.
I may buy a Getta TD when my truck lease is up. I’m looking at ways to use the oil in a hot Water Heater,but the heaters are $10,000, hoping that the price comes down in the next couple years.
Some really good forums on running on waste vegi oil at
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Why not sell your waste oil for $1.50 a gallon?

As others have mentioned, veggie cars are out there now…take advantage of it. 🙂
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The problem is there are few small diesel vehicles in the US due to public perception and the higher emission standards for them that came out a few years ago. That will change in the next few years. But for now you are looking at the larger >4L diesels.

I believe about 70% of vehicles in Europe are diesel.

We are still considering buying old diesel cars like the VW and converting them to vegetable oil with the kits.
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What has been your average Utility bills for the past 3 months? With the cost of everything going higher, these utilities are killing us!

Electric avg. $880 mo.
Gas avg. $560 mo.
Water avg. $0, landlord pays (at least we get some type of break)
are you stand alone building or in a strip mall? how many square feet?

we are in a strip mall and are 1380 sq ft and we average $750 in electric during hot summer months, gas is the exact same and water is $130 per month
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You know, it would make more sense for folks to post their RATE rather than just the total.

Electricity here is about 14 cents per kwh. Natural gas about 10 cents per mcf.
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I am trying to figure out between a gas and electric oven. These are single deck oven figures for simplicity.

NG is about $1.50 per therm and Electric about 0.15 per KW/h.

I am looking at a 9000 watt oven and if I were to run that 12 hours a day, 25 days a month, that’d be about $405 in electric (2700 KW/h)

If I ran a 120K BTU deck oven 12 hours a day that is 14.4 therms a day * 25 = 360 therms * $1.5 = $540.

I do not know of course, how many hours a day the gas or electric would be running - I would hope NOT all day!!! It should cycle on and off. Perhaps 75%. Perhaps less.

To further confuse the situation, I believe the electric is better insulated and more technically efficient since it’s not sending 20-30% of the heat up a chimney, but also believe that 120k BTU/hour in RAW heat energy is equal to 35 KW/h, almost 4X more than the 9000 watt electric oven.

There of course there is the issue of make up air, which I guess if you just have an electric oven, shouldn’t really be an issue?

Any insight?
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ours is
gas $240 with conveyor water heater and furnace
electric $380 with 8 refridgeration and freezer units
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I know very little about electric ovens so I will throw this out for discussion only…Does an electric oven give you the same quality of finished product as gas?..Does an electric oven “recover” as quick as gas? Does an electric oven go from 0 to baking temperature as quick as gas?..
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Off season, slow business, less oven use, moderate outside temps $650-$800 month gas/electric combined.

High season winter or summer, busy, 85-90 outside temp in July and August, -10 to +30 December-March utilities will be be $900-$1100 combined.
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