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VCM. vertical cutting mixer.


New member
Question. Does the vcm’s mixing time allow for for the addition of old dough to be mixed with the new batch. If so how should the old be added, as a ball or cut up into smaller bits.

Have any of you tried this?
Is this a good idea? If not why?
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Hi Dough ball:

I do not know for sure But I think you are not getting many replies is because relatively few pizza shops use VCM’s to mix dough.

We do not have any clients that use VCM’s to mix dough. We have several clients that use them to chop cheese, onions, green peppers and other vegetables but never to mix dough.

The consciences among thousands of pizza shops that we have set up over many, many, years is that the VCM’s do not produce a gourmet dough but rather a more cardboard like pizza crust.

Not My opinion, as I do not mix dough, Just what our clients tell us.

George Mills
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I use a VCM for chopping cheese. I have used it for dough once or twice (when my hobart was broke)and did not care for it at all. Because of the speed it heats up the dough too much. So its ok in case of emergency but I dont recommend it. As always George your advice is dead on.
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Question. Does the vcm’s mixing time allow for for the addition of old dough to be mixed with the new batch. If so how should the old be added, as a ball or cut up into smaller bits.

Have any of you tried this?
Is this a good idea? If not why?
To answer your question, assuming you are not putting more than 20% more in (the maximum recommended), just throw it in. You have your own unique shop and dough conditions but you may need to adjust your water temp depending on the temperature of the dough you are adding.
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Thanks guys. I’m not mixing with any thing right now, not back in the business yet, just looking to pick all you specialists minds.

Some of the best advice in the world comes from all you knowledgeable pizza operators who I appreciate very much.
I am working on putting a new shop together and I know when it opens i’ll be putting some of your ideas to use. (still got a yr left on a no compete which I intend to honor.)
Was in the pizza business for 20 yrs and used a vcm for the last 18, loved it, and was convinced the dough was comprable to any planatary i’ve ever used. ( was in the baking business prior to pizza, been fooling with dough all my life, and kinda think I know a little bit about it. 70 yrs old+ ain’t gonna tell you how much plus.) Even at my age I’m learnig things every day from this board, again thank ya all for being here,

Sure thought we’d have a few more v,c,m users here. O well guess I’ll have to try it myself when I get back in.

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The VCM (vertical cutter mixer) is a good mixer, and yes, you can incorporate scrap dough into a new dough using these mixers. We have found that it is better to cut the scrap into chunks when putting it into the mixer rather than just tossing it in as a large piece. This ensures better incorporation into the fresh dough. Since the mixing is done at high speed, 1750 r.p.m., the mixing time is short, in the range of 60 to 90-seconds, with 70 to 75-seconds being about par. Yes, you can definately over mix a dough in the VCM, so exercise caution. Remember, we just want to mix the dough to a smooth, satiny appearance. Keep in mind that there are two diffwerent blades for the VCM. One is a flat, dull blade designed for mixing dough, the other is a sharp, curved blade that is designed for cutting and slicing (think cheese and salad makings). While we don’t normally see too many VCM in use, they are popular in applications where the dough must be made regularly during the day (not my favorite method either, but hey!) in this application the short mixing time is a real asset.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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