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Vitamin Water


New member
Just wondering if anyone else is selling flavored vitamin water … an employee came back from college to work for the summer & turned me on to it. I’m selling “Propel” (about 50 cents a bottle at costco) for twice the price I’m selling regular bottled water, and I’m selling about 2 bottles for every one of the plain bottle water.

Just letting everyone know because it’s not something I ever would have thought of on my own …
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Bring a few bottles in and see how the market reacts. They are pricier but people dictate what you should sell. Good luck.
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If its bringing in some good money I suppose its worth it. Except for bottled water and 2 liters, we recently stopped selling Monster and other popular drinks because they are “employee” favorites if you get what I mean.

Its just not worth it to me to set up a system to watch the bottled drink inventories on a daily basis. Plus they take up a lot of storage space.
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I guess it depends on how much of this stuff you can move?
Grocery stores dedicate allot of space to this market currently, bottled water, flavored water, and energy drinks are out-pacing Pepsi, and Coke in market growth, and continue to take more and more market-share away from the majors.
I used to sell only a limited number of flavors in 20-ounce, and 2-liters, but I have recently decided to eliminate 2-liters, and carry more stock in the 15-ounce juices, and 20-ounce waters, and energy drinks. Cause I sell 4x as much 20-ounce units per week than 2-liters.
On average I gross net about 75 cents on my 15 & 20-ounce beverages. I sell about 200 beverages a week thats $300 a week. If you were a slice store, or a deli, I would consider it imperative you carry single servings of just about everything on the market.
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