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walk in freezers and automatic dishwashwers


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Strange bedfellows huh?

There are two things that I wish I had in my shop, one is a walk in freezer and the other is some sort of automatic dishwasher. Our freezer space is limited to one double door and one single door freezer and I think I’ve come up with a way to increase our freezer space. I’m thinking about having a walk in freezer installed next to our walk in refrigerator, something in the 6x8 to 8x10 range, but he only drawback to this is that the entrance to the freezer would be outside. Is there anyone out there with this set up, care to share the pros and cons?

Which brings me to the dishwasher. If I install the walk in freezer, I could remove the two existing freezers and have room to add a dishwasher. We wash everything by hand currently which can be time consuming and cumbersome when we’re getting hammered. Most of our dishes are 16 and 12 inch metal pizza serving trays and other types of metal storage containers, the few large items we have would still need to be washed by hand. For those of you with dishwashers, what kind are you using and do you like them?

Thanks guys.
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The dishwasher I use is from Diversey. I believe they have been bought out by another company however, I really like the machine. They have a nice lease to own program and they offer monthly service checks as long as you are using their chemicals.
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I boosted the amount of freezer space we had by buying two of the largest size chest freezers at sears. Waited for the sale. Total cost: $750 including tax. We also have a double door true freezer. Not sure what I would do with more freezer space beyond that.
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I boosted the amount of freezer space we had by buying two of the largest size chest freezers at sears. Waited for the sale. Total cost: $750 including tax. We also have a double door true freezer. Not sure what I would do with more freezer space beyond that.
I’ve got no room whatsoever to add even the smallest size chest freezer. I’m not looking to add a huge walk in freezer, but something that gives me a little more room than what I have now and I can more than benefit from some more freezer space. Just trying to think of a way to add it.
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I boosted the amount of freezer space we had by buying two of the largest size chest freezers at sears.

In many jurisdictions the health department will not allow chest freezers. Note also that domestic freezers rarely carry the NSF seal. Health departments feel that the products on the very bottom of chest freezers often get passed up for use until they are no longer healthy.

George Mills
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We often have the walk in outside and the entrance through the wall. It should be no problem to reverse that.

A dish washer is a great labor saver and does a better job.

George Mills
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I’d LOVE to have a walk-in freezer. Currently we use a stand-up single door, a small under-counter unit to hold apps. during service, and our back up inventory is held in two large chest freezers in the basement…a real pain! Our dishwasher is leased through one of our food vendors at a very nice rate, I’d have to get the name and model, but it works great and holds even our full sheet pans, dough boxes AND our 60qt mix bowl! Previous places I’ve worked did have their freezer box out side, not a big pain…but it was a pain nonetheless. If that’s all that will work though, go for it.
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Our freezers do have the NSF sticker and the health dept has seen them and is fine with them. We have had them for 11+ years now. I agree that you check before going this route, but it is VERY cost effective. We only store boxed frozen goods in them so it is pretty easy to move things around and rotate stock. Since we also have two high and two low seasons it is easy to arrange for defrost etc twice per year when those cycles come around.

It does not sound like this option works for the original poster. I just added it for discussion. Frozen goods do not need to be super easy to get to since they are not used from minute to minute, so options like having the entrance outside can work. Walkins are expensive to by and operate though. I would not go that way unless I really needed that much frozen storage which I can not imagine in my business.
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