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I have this walkin cooler, with floor that I just bought. Everything is good except for the floor in the center, the area that was walked on the most. I guess the previous owner didn’t clean it very often, or should I say the help. The floor is galvanized steel. I’m trying to take the rust off with a tool that goes on my power drill. Is there someone out there that has had this problem? Can I maybe just apply linoleum over the floor? Thank You all reples would be greatly appreciated!!
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I’m not sure I’d put vinyl on it…sand & use a garage floor sealer…make sure cooler is off & surface is dry until sealant cures…

If seen other put down diamond plate or 3M slip resistant disks…
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If it’s not a freezer, you don’t neccesarily need a floor. A little less efficient, but mine sits right on the VCT that covers the concrete in my store.
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Best check with your health department. Most require Stainless steel floors.
George Mills

I hate to be argumentative, but why would the health dept. require stainless steel floors for a walk-in cooler? I’ve never ever heard of that before. I thought as long as the food was at least 6 inches off the ground and that there was a seal when the door closed that was all you’d need. Can you please explain why you made that statement because it looks like I’ve got something to learn here. -J_r0kk
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My health department was fine with me sealing the concrete. That is all we did and it turned out fine. We mop it nightly to make sure the spills are cleaned up, and it has held up well.
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Where we are we have extremely strict health regulations.

We have our coolroom straight on to the tiled floor. A new Noodle Box shop currently under construction 5 doors up from us have done the same.

Just as J_r0kk said shelves / stock has to be 6 inches off the floor.

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I’ve worked in several states that require cooler floors to be rust free (MI, FL, TN)…

believe they think someone might kick up some rust?

regular paint won’t work, as it is prone to peel off do to the moisture & traffic…

I’ve had luck w/garage sealers & of course, diamond plate…

you might also try
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I used to go with the stainless floors, but the biggest problem was that just a little moisture and someone’s gonna break their neck. Now I go with a quarry tile. Health Dept. is happy, my comp carrier is happy. I don’t know of any Health Dept. that requires any specific kind of floor. Sorry George, I think someone gave you some bad info, or you have a rogue health inspector, which is conceivable…
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You will have to ask the health departments that inforce that regulation.
George Mills
Note it is where the cooler or freezer is equiped with a floor that many Health Departmenrt are requiring that it have a stainless steel surface. Quarry tyle over what ever material is there will most always be acceptable.

Coolers that do not have a floor can often have vinal tyle some jurisdictions require quarry tile, some will allow other forms of surface.

Note some Building departments are requiring fire protection in larger walk ins.

My original point was that an opperator should check with the local Health Department and building departmens. Preforably before purchasing
A couple of other notes for walk in buyers, Some building departments require class one foam insulation. All walk in manufacturers do not use class one foam. Some building departments are requiring florescent lighting. Coolers in many California jurisdictions have to meet certain seismic considerations. Best to check before you buy.
George Mills