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Want to hire door hangers: kickbacks?


New member
I’d like to begin hanging door hangers around town and in our delivery area. One kid I asked had an interesting question: do I get gas mileage? How do you all handle door hangers? Our town is small and he can walk to most all, but to get the word out to our delivery area he would have to drive. We are rural. I thought about him initialing his hangers to get some kind of kick-back so I won’t have to pay mileage. Thoughts?
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What is your problem with paying mileage? Why would you rather pay a commission on orders? How many miles would he have to drive? If your delivery area is a typical few miles from the store and he drove 40 miles back and forth to several areas it would cost you what? $20? Why is this an issue?
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If cost is the issue and you are in a rural area you may want to compare the cost of sending your “hanger” vs mailing a postcard/mailer. Be sure to factor in the return rate on each. I would imagine that a door hanger in a rural area would have a much higher return rate then a postcard.
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