Wanted: Pizza Tickets for Manual Order Taking


New member
Since we’ve started using POS, we don’t need the multi-carbon tear-off pizza tickets anymore…EXCEPT for nights like the one when the server’s motherboard failed, and nights when the power goes out, or whatever. I don’t want to buy a full case just for emergencies, and my former supplier isn’t set up to sell partial cases.

Anybody using POS with a backlog of paper tickets to unload? Or anybody out there willing to sell just 50 or so of whatever sheets you use? I don’t care if they are 3-part or 5-part or what design they are…just need to have something that’s suited for pizza shops!

Speaking of these tickets though, in case a lot of you are still stuck paying InstaWares prices and don’t know about Pizza Forms & Systems (pizzaforms.com) that’s where I used to get our forms and they are MUCH more affordable and service is much better than InstaWares ever was.

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I’ll drop some in the mail on Monday. Also speak to pizzaforms.com about your labels if you use them. I am purchasing them for my blaster label printer through them cheaper than I can find them elsewhere.
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Thanks so much! And thanks for the tip on labels. I didn’t even think about seeing if the PizzaForms people had labels. They’ve been good to me over the years so I’ll be happy to keep using them if I can.
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