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Was it good for you?


New member
The Superbowl is normally a non -event here, today the phones blew up about an hour and a half before game time and the rush lasted into the first quarter. Now… crickets chirping out there.

Fortunately we did a little extra prep and an extra batch of dough yesterday and I had 2 extra drivers on call. Right now we have 2 hours left in the day and we are more than 45% above a normal Sunday so I guess it was good for me, much better than previous years.

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We typically do not see much of an increase for Superbowl but this year was double a normal Sunday.
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Campus store double a normal Sunday (Boulder)
Big Residential Store (Longmont) Double a normal Sunday
Small market (Gunbarrel) 10% more than normal
New “project store” (Louisville) 50% increase what we have been doing.

All in all my 4 shops will end with $12,000 for the day and 16% labor.

So ya pretty decent!
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It may sound weird but we did 2.5 times a normal Sunday and I was disappointed. Here in the Buffalo area we usually shoot for 3-4 times a normal Sunday. The weirdest part was it was busier from 4-5pm than it was from 5-6pm.
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PMQ made Rick take down the pic he originally posted with the question! :roll:
We had a good day. We were 63% above our store average for the past five Sundays. This was also better than last year when we were up 49% over the average Sunday from last year.

But on an even better note, our average Sunday is up which is what really counts!
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Our sales were up about 50% of a normal Sunday. What was funny is that it was dead until after halftime.
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Strange day for us. It was a booming lunch and we hit our numbers by 5:00 and then it was crickets. Closed two hours early, staff was happy, I was happy and only missed a couple calls.

We didn’t do any type of specials or promotions though.
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