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We Made It...1 year on August 1st!!!


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Rockstar Pizza - Plainfield, IN. I still can’t believe we’ve been running that shop for a year now. It’s been fun. We’re not rich yet, but we’re not behind on any of our bills either, and sales are getting better, so that’s a good thing.

Just want to say thanks to a few people:

First, thank all of you here for the great advice we’ve gleaned from the PMQ. Everyone has been helpful. I know there is more information than we’ll ever know about pizza here, but it’s good to know that any question we have can be, or already is, answered here. I know we’ll be learning more and more from here as the pizzas keep flying out the door.

Second, we need to thank Big Dave for taking the time from his schedule to have a couple of personal sitdowns with Alice and I at NAPICS this year. He answered all of our questions, and gave us tons of advice while eating his lunch.

Third, we want to thank Ron from Rockstar Pizza in Brownsburg for the opportunity to own a pizza shop. Alice always wanted her own restaurant, and Ron was there just at the right time. He’s been there any time we’ve needed any advice on what to do in our market. It’s nice to be able to pick someone’s brain in the local area. I bet we couldn’t go to Donato’s and do that…

All in all, it’s been a lot of hard work, a lot of time sacrificed, but rewarding none the less.

Here’s to another year in the books better than the last.
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Incredible success hitting the one year mark. Now is the challenge and satisfying task of maintaining and developing sustainable growth. You have done a great job getting here. Now, stay focused and learn the skills for the next phase . . . same as the 1st plus extra tasks and stuff to keep up with. 🙂
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Congrats on the big ONE and keep working towards many more! :mrgreen: