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We Mean Business - A&E TV Series...

In case you missed it, the “Brownstone Pizzeria” episode is now on the web…
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I watched the show and don’t want to be too judgmental or other business owners, but I was shocked by the ending and actually kinda mad at the end. (I won’t say what exactly happened, so I do not ruin it for others)
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Despite the ending, there were some great ideas in it…But I agree the ending “sucked”…

Does anyone know what POS software it was?..
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I was very disappointed with the ending also. I thought the customer photo album was an interesting idea. I thought the logo was great, and the dining room upgrades were on target.
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absolutely these people will fail NO DOUBT they were giving great information, shop was nice and his EGO is going to make them FAIL
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Incredible. To borrow from another current thread, a perfect example of how welfare doesn’t work, lol. You can’t just give something to people unearned. He didn’t appreciate it, let alone understand it.

The POS was from Dell, btw. They have different POS software packages you can buy from them.

Out of curiosity, I may drive up there to check it out. But, I bet its not there anymore.
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