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Web Hosting Sites


New member
Any suggestions on a web hosting company to use for our website? I’d rather pay the small fee each month than go the free route. I’m in Tokyo and the Japanese servers are ridiculous in price compared to what I would pay using a US one. I’ve been procrastinating doing this since we opened in June 2010, but after setting up a Facebook page the other day I’m motivated to get more of an on-line presence. Also, the FB page is pretty bare bones now, but if anyone wants to “like” it I’d appreciate it:!/pag … 50?sk=wall

What does that all mean?!? Thanks all.

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We had always intended on putting up a web site since day one, but running this race kept that on the back burner. We just in the last week or so sat in on a webinar with “CoverBoom” as the speaker, and their topic was web marketing.

It was probably the best seminar I’d heard on the issue, and they presented their services well enough I signed them up before the broadcast was completed! They’re building our site and hosting it. They also have a widget from which I’ll change any of my info with ease…something very important for me, the non-tech guy. I also have the option of putting changes,offers, etc. to my Facebook, Twitter, and other “anti-social” media locations with the same push of the button.

I’d check out
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