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Web page/email marketing


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I currently do not have either but I am working on a web page now and it should be done in a few weeks. Does it make sense to start getting emails and having people sign up for it now or wait till the website is up and running?
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I currently do not have either but I am working on a web page now and it should be done in a few weeks. Does it make sense to start getting emails and having people sign up for it now or wait till the website is up and running?
If you haven’t already started collecting email addresses you need to start RIGHT NOW.
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I agree with Daddio, having a website is great, but not nessasry for putting out your emails. Your emails should be about packages & coupons, and information.
While having the website is good to further their relationship with you, it isnt essential. So yes, get your emails rolling, this is a HUGE customer retention tool 🙂 Goodluck!
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If you end up building a decent size email list, a email marketing program might come in handy. I have used this one in the past because it is cheap and really nice and from looking at the site again, they have a free version to try it out. I actually applied for a job at the company but didnt get it… haha

The software is called SwiftPage and you can check it out at
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It’s definitely always time to start collecting e-mail addresses. My e-mail marketing program costs me a big fat ZERO and I spend about 15 minutes per week on it. Last week it brought in over $1,500 in sales.

You can’t beat an ROI of infinity.
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The ROI on 15 minutes of work is probably better than if you buy something, I agree. :lol:
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Hi Mac,
If you wanna see how mine works click on my WWW on this post and sign up to get mine. I use and have about 1200 email VIPs. I farm email addresses from comment cards in my restaurant and people who visit my site through the easy sign up thingy there. I send out about 2 or 3 at the max a week as to not spam my guests. I have a pretty consistent open rate of about 37%. My email service actually sends me a report every week that tells me how many open them, click through my links and even gives me the list of email addresses that are doing each task! It’s an awesome tool, especially if it rained all weekend and you need to push fresh chicken tenders. I can whack 30% off retail and sell them out in one day. I’d be happy to talk further if you want. As I have said on other posts, I believe with all my heart this saved my restaurant, and now I’m growing stronger everyday just by steering people to my site with car signs, take out menus etc. Oh… I also give free food prizes every week to guests who open my emails, it boosted my open rate by 10% because people wanna win free food and I get them to read my info!!! Man I’m a genius lol!!! :lol:
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