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Weekly/Monthly Chat Sessions?


PMQ Editor at Large
Hi All,

You may have noticed that we added a chat feature to the top of the main forum page (you can see it when logged into your account).

Years ago, PMQ used to invite Think Tankers to join scheduled chat sessions about various topics, sometimes with a special guest.

Would you be interested in us starting something like this up again?

If so, how often would you want to see the chats (weekly/monthly)?
What time of day would make most sense (morning/early evening/late night)?
Which topics would you like to see covered?

Thanks for your input!
Liz Barrett, editor at large
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I think a monthly chat session would be fantastic. For myself I think earlier in the morning would work best, to accommodate those in all time zones (perhaps 11:00 AM EST).

It would be a great opportunity to discuss marketing strategies and planning, trends in the business, new product ideas, etc with planned speakers and open discussion.

I also think it would be great to then keep a log of the chat and make it available for those who could not make it.
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I’m in for sure. I belong to a private group that does a conference call 1x per month and it is very informative and helpful. Unfortunately, it is at 7:00 on Wednesday night and I can almost never attend. Any chance of making it a Skype call rather than a web chat… Just a thought.

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One of the reasons I went inactive was when PMQ changed their bb and no more chats…I met tons of people in those chats.

Let’s get it BACK!
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I would be interested in taking part in chat sessions. I would probably be able to attend one a month. Perhaps moving the time around would good to accomodate different schedules.
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The chat sessions were great and I got to know quite a few of the Think Tank people through them. Not sure that skype is necessary as not all of us are that technologically capable(or visually appealing for that matter).
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You may want to look at Google Hangouts too. Google makes it easy to send calendar invites, start pre-chat message threads, and do live video chats anywhere in the world. I’ve used it to chat with folks as far as Zurich (Switzerland) without any issues.

That, or we could just do a good old-fashioned chat room 😉
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I too would be interested. Will there be a chat room available any time for ppl who may not be able to attend a scheduled monthly chat? We used to set up random chats all the time when pmq had the chat previously.
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Thank you for all of your feedback! Stay tuned for future chats! If you’d like to participate in a chat of your own in the meantime, just go to the main Board Index home page (while logged in) and you should see the chat window at the top.

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Liz Barrett:
Thank you for all of your feedback! Stay tuned for future chats! If you’d like to participate in a chat of your own in the meantime, just go to the main Board Index home page (while logged in) and you should see the chat window at the top.

I don’t see the chat window even when logged in. Can you give me an idea where on the top of the main board page I should be looking.
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I also do not see the chat when logged in. Or any other time for that matter.
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I remember doing chats quite a bit back in the day, including over at another site (remember “The Pizza Crafters”, anybody?)

I never found much interest in the scheduled chats on specific topics… the best stuff was when you would just pop in after closing and strike up conversations with other posters.
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I remember doing chats quite a bit back in the day, including over at another site (remember “The Pizza Crafters”, anybody?)

I never found much interest in the scheduled chats on specific topics… the best stuff was when you would just pop in after closing and strike up conversations with other posters.
I have to agree with you. The Pizza Crafters fell by the wayside when other opportunities came into play for the site owner.
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Liz Barrett:
Hmmm… is the chat not showing up for you on the top of this page? index.php
Three different browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, & Safari) on 4 different devices none have a chat option.
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OK, this should be working now. It was a matter of turning permissions on.
Please let me know if everyone is good to go.

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It’s there now.
Liz Barrett:
OK, this should be working now. It was a matter of turning permissions on.
Please let me know if everyone is good to go.

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