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Welcome to the fresh NEW Think Tank!


PMQ Editor at Large
Many of you probably noticed that received a facelift today. It was a process that was many months in the making and will benefit everyone, especially our readers, as we’re able to present you with content in a fresh and exciting new format!

Along with the new site design, you no doubt noticed the changes to the Think Tank. We have changed software providers for the forum, being very careful to choose a provider that could closely match the look, feel and functionality of the former Think Tank so that no one felt lost in the new space. At the same time, this new Think Tank should help us ward of the threat of spammers. We’re excited for you to play around with it and let us know what you think!

If you have any questions/comments about the new Think Tank, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Liz Barrett, editor-at-large
PMQ Pizza Magazine
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It’s harder than it used to be to find the link to get to the Think Tank from the PMQ site. I’d recommend adding a more prominent link, like on one of the main menus, in addition to the link you currently have in the body content. For a moment I wondered if the TT disappeared like the forum on the “other” site did a while back.

Beautiful re-design by the way!
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Wow, I’m digging the re-design! The member name and information being on the right always drove my nuts before 8)
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I bookmarked a lot of links to posts and threads that no longer work because of the changed url’s. Will there be some form of redirection from the old links to the new ones?


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Hi PN,

We’ve created a redirect from the old URL ( to the new one ( to help all of those who bookmarked the old site. However, if you have individual posts/threads bookmarked, I don’t think this will help you, unfortunately. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but I hope that you’ll enjoy the new Think Tank.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

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